Timeseries datasets.
Timeseries data is special and has to be processed and fed to algorithms in a special way. This module
defines a class that is able to handle a wide variety of timeseries data problems.
from copy import copy as _copy, deepcopy
from functools import lru_cache
import inspect
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Optional
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler, StandardScaler
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
import torch
from torch.distributions import Beta
from torch.nn.utils import rnn
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset
from torch.utils.data.sampler import Sampler, SequentialSampler
from pytorch_forecasting.data.encoders import (
from pytorch_forecasting.data.samplers import TimeSynchronizedBatchSampler
from pytorch_forecasting.utils import repr_class
from pytorch_forecasting.utils._dependencies import _check_matplotlib
def _find_end_indices(diffs: np.ndarray, max_lengths: np.ndarray, min_length: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Identify end indices in series even if some values are missing.
diffs (np.ndarray): array of differences to next time step. nans should be filled up with ones
max_lengths (np.ndarray): maximum length of sequence by position.
min_length (int): minimum length of sequence.
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: tuple of arrays where first is end indices and second is list of start
and end indices that are currently missing.
missing_start_ends = []
end_indices = []
length = 1
start_idx = 0
max_idx = len(diffs) - 1
max_length = max_lengths[start_idx]
for idx, diff in enumerate(diffs):
if length >= max_length:
while length >= max_length:
if length == max_length:
end_indices.append(idx - 1)
length -= diffs[start_idx]
if start_idx < max_idx:
start_idx += 1
max_length = max_lengths[start_idx]
elif length >= min_length:
missing_start_ends.append([start_idx, idx])
length += diff
if len(missing_start_ends) > 0: # required for numba compliance
return np.asarray(end_indices), np.asarray(missing_start_ends)
return np.asarray(end_indices), np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.int64)
import numba
_find_end_indices = numba.jit(nopython=True)(_find_end_indices)
except ImportError:
def check_for_nonfinite(tensor: torch.Tensor, names: Union[str, List[str]]) -> torch.Tensor:
Check if 2D tensor contains NAs or inifinite values.
names (Union[str, List[str]]): name(s) of column(s) (used for error messages)
tensor (torch.Tensor): tensor to check
torch.Tensor: returns tensor if checks yield no issues
if isinstance(names, str):
names = [names]
assert tensor.ndim == 1
nans = (~torch.isfinite(tensor).unsqueeze(-1)).sum(0)
assert tensor.ndim == 2
nans = (~torch.isfinite(tensor)).sum(0)
for name, na in zip(names, nans):
if na > 0:
raise ValueError(
f"{na} ({na / tensor.size(0):.2%}) of {name} "
"values were found to be NA or infinite (even after encoding). NA values are not allowed "
"`allow_missing_timesteps` refers to missing rows, not to missing values. Possible strategies to "
f"fix the issue are (a) dropping the variable {name}, "
"(b) using `NaNLabelEncoder(add_nan=True)` for categorical variables, "
"(c) filling missing values and/or (d) optionally adding a variable indicating filled values"
return tensor
NORMALIZER = Union[TorchNormalizer, NaNLabelEncoder, EncoderNormalizer]
class TimeSeriesDataSet(Dataset):
PyTorch Dataset for fitting timeseries models.
The dataset automates common tasks such as
* scaling and encoding of variables
* normalizing the target variable
* efficiently converting timeseries in pandas dataframes to torch tensors
* holding information about static and time-varying variables known and unknown in the future
* holiding information about related categories (such as holidays)
* downsampling for data augmentation
* generating inference, validation and test datasets
* etc.
# todo: refactor:
# - creating base class with minimal functionality
# - "outsource" transformations -> use pytorch transformations as default
# todo: integrate graphs
# - add option to pass networkx graph to the dataset -> clearly defined
# - create method to create networkx graph for hierachies -> clearly defined
# - convert networkx graph to pytorch geometric graph
# - create sampler to sample from the graph
# - create option in `to_dataloader` method to use a graph sampler
# -> automatically changing collate function which returns graphs
# -> should incorporate entire dataset but be compatible with current approach
# - integrate hierachical loss somehow into loss metrics
# how to get there:
# - add networkx and pytorch_geometric to requirements BUT as extras
# -> do we also need torch_sparse, etc.? -> can we avoid this? probably not
# - networkx graph: define what makes sense from user perspective
# - define conversion into pytorch geometric graph? is this a two-step process of
# - encoding networkx graph and converting it into "unfilled" pytorch geometric graph
# - then creating full graph in collate function on the fly?
# - or is data already stored in pytorch geometric graph and we only cut through it?
# - dataformat would change? Is is all timeseries data? + mask when valid?
# - then making cuts through the graph in sampling?
# - would it be best in this case to re-think the timeseries class and design it as series of transformations?
# - what is the new master data? very off current state or very similar?
# - current approach is storing data in long format which is memory efficient and using the index object to
# make sense of it when accessing. graphs would require wide format?
# - do NOT overengineer, i.e. support only usecase of single static graph, but only subset might be relevant
# -> however, should think what happens if we want a dynamic graph. would this completely change the
# data format?
# decisions:
# - stay with long format and create graph on the fly even if hampering efficiency and performance
# - go with pytorch_geometric approach for future proofing
# - directly convert networkx into pytorch_geometric graph
# - sampling: support only time-synchronized.
# - sample randomly an instance from index as now.
# - then get additional samples as per graph (that has been created) and available data
# - then collate into graph object
def __init__(
data: pd.DataFrame,
time_idx: str,
target: Union[str, List[str]],
group_ids: List[str],
weight: Union[str, None] = None,
max_encoder_length: int = 30,
min_encoder_length: int = None,
min_prediction_idx: int = None,
min_prediction_length: int = None,
max_prediction_length: int = 1,
static_categoricals: Optional[List[str]] = None,
static_reals: Optional[List[str]] = None,
time_varying_known_categoricals: Optional[List[str]] = None,
time_varying_known_reals: Optional[List[str]] = None,
time_varying_unknown_categoricals: Optional[List[str]] = None,
time_varying_unknown_reals: Optional[List[str]] = None,
variable_groups: Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]] = None,
constant_fill_strategy: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int, bool]]] = None,
allow_missing_timesteps: bool = False,
lags: Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]] = None,
add_relative_time_idx: bool = False,
add_target_scales: bool = False,
add_encoder_length: Union[bool, str] = "auto",
target_normalizer: Union[NORMALIZER, str, List[NORMALIZER], Tuple[NORMALIZER], None] = "auto",
categorical_encoders: Optional[Dict[str, NaNLabelEncoder]] = None,
scalers: Optional[Dict[str, Union[StandardScaler, RobustScaler, TorchNormalizer, EncoderNormalizer]]] = None,
randomize_length: Union[None, Tuple[float, float], bool] = False,
predict_mode: bool = False,
Timeseries dataset holding data for models.
The :ref:`tutorial on passing data to models <passing-data>` is helpful to understand the output of the dataset
and how it is coupled to models.
Each sample is a subsequence of a full time series. The subsequence consists of encoder and decoder/prediction
timepoints for a given time series. This class constructs an index which defined which subsequences exists and
can be samples from (``index`` attribute). The samples in the index are defined by by the various parameters.
to the class (encoder and prediction lengths, minimum prediction length, randomize length and predict keywords).
How samples are
sampled into batches for training, is determined by the DataLoader. The class provides the
:py:meth:`~TimeSeriesDataSet.to_dataloader` method to convert the dataset into a dataloader.
Large datasets:
Currently the class is limited to in-memory operations (that can be sped up by an
existing installation of `numba <https://pypi.org/project/numba/>`_). If you have extremely large data,
however, you can pass prefitted encoders and and scalers to it and a subset of sequences to the class to
construct a valid dataset (plus, likely the EncoderNormalizer should be used to normalize targets).
when fitting a network, you would then to create a custom DataLoader that rotates through the datasets.
There is currently no in-built methods to do this.
data (pd.DataFrame): dataframe with sequence data - each row can be identified with
``time_idx`` and the ``group_ids``
time_idx (str): integer column denoting the time index. This columns is used to determine
the sequence of samples.
If there no missings observations, the time index should increase by ``+1`` for each subsequent sample.
The first time_idx for each series does not necessarily have to be ``0`` but any value is allowed.
target (Union[str, List[str]]): column denoting the target or list of columns denoting the target -
categorical or continous.
group_ids (List[str]): list of column names identifying a time series. This means that the ``group_ids``
identify a sample together with the ``time_idx``. If you have only one timeseries, set this to the
name of column that is constant.
weight (str): column name for weights. Defaults to None.
max_encoder_length (int): maximum length to encode.
This is the maximum history length used by the time series dataset.
min_encoder_length (int): minimum allowed length to encode. Defaults to max_encoder_length.
min_prediction_idx (int): minimum ``time_idx`` from where to start predictions. This parameter
can be useful to create a validation or test set.
max_prediction_length (int): maximum prediction/decoder length (choose this not too short as it can help
min_prediction_length (int): minimum prediction/decoder length. Defaults to max_prediction_length
static_categoricals (List[str]): list of categorical variables that do not change over time,
entries can be also lists which are then encoded together
(e.g. useful for product categories)
static_reals (List[str]): list of continuous variables that do not change over time
time_varying_known_categoricals (List[str]): list of categorical variables that change over
time and are known in the future, entries can be also lists which are then encoded together
(e.g. useful for special days or promotion categories)
time_varying_known_reals (List[str]): list of continuous variables that change over
time and are known in the future (e.g. price of a product, but not demand of a product)
time_varying_unknown_categoricals (List[str]): list of categorical variables that change over
time and are not known in the future, entries can be also lists which are then encoded together
(e.g. useful for weather categories). You might want to include your target here.
time_varying_unknown_reals (List[str]): list of continuous variables that change over
time and are not known in the future. You might want to include your target here.
variable_groups (Dict[str, List[str]]): dictionary mapping a name to a list of columns in the data.
The name should be present
in a categorical or real class argument, to be able to encode or scale the columns by group.
This will effectively combine categorical variables is particularly useful if a categorical variable can
have multiple values at the same time. An example are holidays which can be overlapping.
constant_fill_strategy (Dict[str, Union[str, float, int, bool]]): dictionary of column names with
constants to fill in missing values if there are
gaps in the sequence (by default forward fill strategy is used). The values will be only used if
``allow_missing_timesteps=True``. A common use case is to denote that demand was 0 if the sample
is not in the dataset.
allow_missing_timesteps (bool): if to allow missing timesteps that are automatically filled up. Missing
refer to gaps in the ``time_idx``, e.g. if a specific timeseries has only samples for
1, 2, 4, 5, the sample for 3 will be generated on-the-fly.
Allow missings does not deal with ``NA`` values. You should fill NA values before
passing the dataframe to the TimeSeriesDataSet.
lags (Dict[str, List[int]]): dictionary of variable names mapped to list of time steps by
which the variable should be lagged.
Lags can be useful to indicate seasonality to the models. If you know the seasonalit(ies) of your data,
add at least the target variables with the corresponding lags to improve performance.
Lags must be at not larger than the shortest time series as all time series will be cut by the largest
lag value to prevent NA values. A lagged variable has to appear in the time-varying variables. If you
only want the lagged but not the current value, lag it manually in your input data using
``data[lagged_variable_name] = data.sort_values(time_idx).groupby(group_ids, observed=True).shift(lag)``
Defaults to no lags.
add_relative_time_idx (bool): if to add a relative time index as feature (i.e. for each sampled sequence,
the index will range from -encoder_length to prediction_length)
add_target_scales (bool): if to add scales for target to static real features (i.e. add the center and scale
of the unnormalized timeseries as features)
add_encoder_length (bool): if to add encoder length to list of static real variables.
Defaults to "auto", i.e. ``True`` if ``min_encoder_length != max_encoder_length``.
target_normalizer (Union[TorchNormalizer, NaNLabelEncoder, EncoderNormalizer, str, list, tuple]):
transformer that take group_ids, target and time_idx to normalize targets.
You can choose from :py:class:`~pytorch_forecasting.data.encoders.TorchNormalizer`,
:py:class:`~pytorch_forecasting.data.encoders.EncoderNormalizer` (on which overfitting tests will fail)
or `None` for using no normalizer. For multiple targets, use a
By default an appropriate normalizer is chosen automatically.
categorical_encoders (Dict[str, NaNLabelEncoder]): dictionary of scikit learn label transformers.
If you have unobserved categories in
the future / a cold-start problem, you can use the
:py:class:`~pytorch_forecasting.data.encoders.NaNLabelEncoder` with
``add_nan=True``. Defaults effectively to sklearn's ``LabelEncoder()``. Prefittet encoders will not
be fit again.
scalers (Dict[str, Union[StandardScaler, RobustScaler, TorchNormalizer, EncoderNormalizer]]): dictionary of
scikit-learn scalers. Defaults to sklearn's ``StandardScaler()``.
Other options are :py:class:`~pytorch_forecasting.data.encoders.EncoderNormalizer`,
:py:class:`~pytorch_forecasting.data.encoders.GroupNormalizer` or scikit-learn's ``StandarScaler()``,
``RobustScaler()`` or `None` for using no normalizer / normalizer with `center=0` and `scale=1`
Prefittet encoders will not be fit again (with the exception of the
:py:class:`~pytorch_forecasting.data.encoders.EncoderNormalizer` that is fit on every encoder sequence).
randomize_length (Union[None, Tuple[float, float], bool]): None or False if not to randomize lengths.
Tuple of beta distribution concentrations from which
probabilities are sampled that are used to sample new sequence lengths with a binomial
If True, defaults to (0.2, 0.05), i.e. ~1/4 of samples around minimum encoder length.
Defaults to False otherwise.
predict_mode (bool): if to only iterate over each timeseries once (only the last provided samples).
Effectively, this will take choose for each time series identified by ``group_ids``
the last ``max_prediction_length`` samples of each time series as
prediction samples and everthing previous up to ``max_encoder_length`` samples as encoder samples.
self.max_encoder_length = max_encoder_length
assert isinstance(self.max_encoder_length, int), "max encoder length must be integer"
if min_encoder_length is None:
min_encoder_length = max_encoder_length
self.min_encoder_length = min_encoder_length
assert (
self.min_encoder_length <= self.max_encoder_length
), "max encoder length has to be larger equals min encoder length"
assert isinstance(self.min_encoder_length, int), "min encoder length must be integer"
self.max_prediction_length = max_prediction_length
assert isinstance(self.max_prediction_length, int), "max prediction length must be integer"
if min_prediction_length is None:
min_prediction_length = max_prediction_length
self.min_prediction_length = min_prediction_length
assert (
self.min_prediction_length <= self.max_prediction_length
), "max prediction length has to be larger equals min prediction length"
assert self.min_prediction_length > 0, "min prediction length must be larger than 0"
assert isinstance(self.min_prediction_length, int), "min prediction length must be integer"
assert data[time_idx].dtype.kind == "i", "Timeseries index should be of type integer"
self.target = target
self.weight = weight
self.time_idx = time_idx
self.group_ids = [] if group_ids is None else list(group_ids)
self.static_categoricals = static_categoricals
self._static_categoricals = [] if static_categoricals is None else list(static_categoricals)
self.static_reals = static_reals
self._static_reals = [] if static_reals is None else list(static_reals)
self.time_varying_known_categoricals = time_varying_known_categoricals
self._time_varying_known_categoricals = (
[] if time_varying_known_categoricals is None else list(time_varying_known_categoricals)
self.time_varying_known_reals = time_varying_known_reals
self._time_varying_known_reals = [] if time_varying_known_reals is None else list(time_varying_known_reals)
self.time_varying_unknown_categoricals = time_varying_unknown_categoricals
self._time_varying_unknown_categoricals = (
[] if time_varying_unknown_categoricals is None else list(time_varying_unknown_categoricals)
self.time_varying_unknown_reals = time_varying_unknown_reals
self._time_varying_unknown_reals = (
[] if time_varying_unknown_reals is None else list(time_varying_unknown_reals)
self.add_relative_time_idx = add_relative_time_idx
# set automatic defaults
if isinstance(randomize_length, bool):
if not randomize_length:
randomize_length = None
randomize_length = (0.2, 0.05)
self.randomize_length = randomize_length
if min_prediction_idx is None:
min_prediction_idx = data[self.time_idx].min()
self.min_prediction_idx = min_prediction_idx
self.constant_fill_strategy = constant_fill_strategy
self._constant_fill_strategy = {} if constant_fill_strategy is None else deepcopy(constant_fill_strategy)
self.predict_mode = predict_mode
self.allow_missing_timesteps = allow_missing_timesteps
self.target_normalizer = target_normalizer
self.categorical_encoders = categorical_encoders
self._categorical_encoders = {} if categorical_encoders is None else deepcopy(categorical_encoders)
self.scalers = scalers
self._scalers = {} if scalers is None else deepcopy(scalers)
self.add_target_scales = add_target_scales
self.variable_groups = variable_groups
self._variable_groups = {} if variable_groups is None else deepcopy(variable_groups)
self.lags = lags
self._lags = {} if lags is None else deepcopy(lags)
# add_encoder_length
if isinstance(add_encoder_length, str):
assert (
add_encoder_length == "auto"
), f"Only 'auto' allowed for add_encoder_length but found {add_encoder_length}"
add_encoder_length = self.min_encoder_length != self.max_encoder_length
assert isinstance(
add_encoder_length, bool
), f"add_encoder_length should be boolean or 'auto' but found {add_encoder_length}"
self.add_encoder_length = add_encoder_length
# target normalizer
# overwrite values
for target in self.target_names:
assert (
target not in self._time_varying_known_reals
), f"target {target} should be an unknown continuous variable in the future"
# add time index relative to prediction position
if self.add_relative_time_idx or self.add_encoder_length:
data = data.copy() # only copies indices (underlying data is NOT copied)
if self.add_relative_time_idx:
assert (
"relative_time_idx" not in data.columns
), "relative_time_idx is a protected column and must not be present in data"
if "relative_time_idx" not in self._time_varying_known_reals and "relative_time_idx" not in self.reals:
data.loc[:, "relative_time_idx"] = 0.0 # dummy - real value will be set dynamically in __getitem__()
# add decoder length to static real variables
if self.add_encoder_length:
assert (
"encoder_length" not in data.columns
), "encoder_length is a protected column and must not be present in data"
if "encoder_length" not in self._time_varying_known_reals and "encoder_length" not in self.reals:
data.loc[:, "encoder_length"] = 0 # dummy - real value will be set dynamically in __getitem__()
# validate
assert data.index.is_unique, "data index has to be unique"
# add lags
assert self.min_lag > 0, "lags should be positive"
if len(self._lags) > 0:
# add variables
for name in self._lags:
lagged_names = self._get_lagged_names(name)
for lagged_name in lagged_names:
assert (
lagged_name not in data.columns
), f"{lagged_name} is a protected column and must not be present in data"
# add lags
if name in self._time_varying_known_reals:
for lagged_name in lagged_names:
if lagged_name not in self._time_varying_known_reals:
elif name in self._time_varying_known_categoricals:
for lagged_name in lagged_names:
if lagged_name not in self._time_varying_known_categoricals:
elif name in self._time_varying_unknown_reals:
for lagged_name, lag in lagged_names.items():
if lag < self.max_prediction_length: # keep in unknown as if lag is too small
if lagged_name not in self._time_varying_unknown_reals:
if lagged_name not in self._time_varying_known_reals:
# switch to known so that lag can be used in decoder directly
elif name in self._time_varying_unknown_categoricals:
for lagged_name, lag in lagged_names.items():
if lag < self.max_prediction_length: # keep in unknown as if lag is too small
if lagged_name not in self._time_varying_unknown_categoricals:
if lagged_name not in self._time_varying_known_categoricals:
# switch to known so that lag can be used in decoder directly
raise KeyError(f"lagged variable {name} is not a known nor unknown time-varying variable")
# filter data
if min_prediction_idx is not None:
# filtering for min_prediction_idx will be done on subsequence level ensuring
# minimal decoder index is always >= min_prediction_idx
data = data[lambda x: x[self.time_idx] >= self.min_prediction_idx - self.max_encoder_length - self.max_lag]
data = data.sort_values(self.group_ids + [self.time_idx])
# preprocess data
data = self._preprocess_data(data)
for target in self.target_names:
assert target not in self._scalers, "Target normalizer is separate and not in scalers."
# create index
self.index = self._construct_index(data, predict_mode=self.predict_mode)
# convert to torch tensor for high performance data loading later
self.data = self._data_to_tensors(data)
def dropout_categoricals(self) -> List[str]:
list of categorical variables that are unknown when making a
forecast without observed history
return [name for name, encoder in self._categorical_encoders.items() if encoder.add_nan]
def _get_lagged_names(self, name: str) -> Dict[str, int]:
Generate names for lagged variables
name (str): name of variable to lag
Dict[str, int]: dictionary mapping new variable names to lags
return {f"{name}_lagged_by_{lag}": lag for lag in self._lags.get(name, [])}
def lagged_variables(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
Lagged variables.
Dict[str, str]: dictionary of variable names corresponding to lagged variables
mapped to variable that is lagged
vars = {}
for name in self._lags:
vars.update({lag_name: name for lag_name in self._get_lagged_names(name)})
return vars
def lagged_targets(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Subset of `lagged_variables` but only includes variables that are lagged targets."""
vars = {}
for name in self._lags:
vars.update({lag_name: name for lag_name in self._get_lagged_names(name) if name in self.target_names})
return vars
def min_lag(self) -> int:
Minimum number of time steps variables are lagged.
int: minimum lag
if len(self._lags) == 0:
return 1e9
return min([min(lag) for lag in self._lags.values()])
def max_lag(self) -> int:
Maximum number of time steps variables are lagged.
int: maximum lag
if len(self._lags) == 0:
return 0
return max([max(lag) for lag in self._lags.values()])
def _set_target_normalizer(self, data: pd.DataFrame):
Determine target normalizer.
data (pd.DataFrame): input data
if isinstance(self.target_normalizer, str) and self.target_normalizer == "auto":
normalizers = []
for target in self.target_names:
if data[target].dtype.kind != "f": # category
if self.add_target_scales:
warnings.warn("Target scales will be only added for continous targets", UserWarning)
data_positive = (data[target] > 0).all()
if data_positive:
if data[target].skew() > 2.5:
transformer = "log"
transformer = "relu"
transformer = None
if self.max_encoder_length > 20 and self.min_encoder_length > 1:
if self.multi_target:
self.target_normalizer = MultiNormalizer(normalizers)
self.target_normalizer = normalizers[0]
elif isinstance(self.target_normalizer, (tuple, list)):
self.target_normalizer = MultiNormalizer(self.target_normalizer)
elif self.target_normalizer is None:
self.target_normalizer = TorchNormalizer(method="identity")
assert (
not isinstance(self.target_normalizer, EncoderNormalizer)
or self.min_encoder_length >= self.target_normalizer.min_length
), "EncoderNormalizer is only allowed if min_encoder_length > 1"
assert isinstance(
self.target_normalizer, (TorchNormalizer, NaNLabelEncoder)
), f"target_normalizer has to be either None or of class TorchNormalizer but found {self.target_normalizer}"
assert not self.multi_target or isinstance(self.target_normalizer, MultiNormalizer), (
"multiple targets / list of targets requires MultiNormalizer as target_normalizer "
f"but found {self.target_normalizer}"
def _group_ids_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
Mapping of group id names to group ids used to identify series in dataset -
group ids can also be used for target normalizer.
The former can change from training to validation and test dataset while the later must not.
return {name: f"__group_id__{name}" for name in self.group_ids}
def _group_ids(self) -> List[str]:
Group ids used to identify series in dataset.
See :py:meth:`~TimeSeriesDataSet._group_ids_mapping` for details.
return list(self._group_ids_mapping.values())
def _validate_data(self, data: pd.DataFrame):
Validate that data will not cause hick-ups later on.
# check for numeric categoricals which can cause hick-ups in logging in tensorboard
category_columns = data.head(1).select_dtypes("category").columns
object_columns = data.head(1).select_dtypes(object).columns
for name in self.flat_categoricals:
if name not in data.columns:
raise KeyError(f"variable {name} specified but not found in data")
if not (
name in object_columns
or (name in category_columns and data[name].cat.categories.dtype.kind not in "bifc")
raise ValueError(
f"Data type of category {name} was found to be numeric - use a string type / categorified string"
# check for "." in column names
columns_with_dot = data.columns[data.columns.str.contains(r"\.")]
if len(columns_with_dot) > 0:
raise ValueError(
f"column names must not contain '.' characters. Names {columns_with_dot.tolist()} are invalid"
def save(self, fname: str) -> None:
Save dataset to disk
fname (str): filename to save to
torch.save(self, fname)
def load(cls, fname: str):
Load dataset from disk
fname (str): filename to load from
obj = torch.load(fname)
assert isinstance(obj, cls), f"Loaded file is not of class {cls}"
return obj
def _preprocess_data(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Scale continuous variables, encode categories and set aside target and weight.
data (pd.DataFrame): original data
pd.DataFrame: pre-processed dataframe
# add lags to data
for name in self._lags:
# todo: add support for variable groups
assert (
name not in self._variable_groups
), f"lagged variables that are in {self._variable_groups} are not supported yet"
for lagged_name, lag in self._get_lagged_names(name).items():
data[lagged_name] = data.groupby(self.group_ids, observed=True)[name].shift(lag)
# encode group ids - this encoding
for name, group_name in self._group_ids_mapping.items():
# use existing encoder - but a copy of it not too loose current encodings
encoder = deepcopy(self._categorical_encoders.get(group_name, NaNLabelEncoder()))
self._categorical_encoders[group_name] = encoder.fit(data[name].to_numpy().reshape(-1), overwrite=False)
data[group_name] = self.transform_values(name, data[name], inverse=False, group_id=True)
# encode categoricals first to ensure that group normalizer for relies on encoded categories
if isinstance(
self.target_normalizer, (GroupNormalizer, MultiNormalizer)
): # if we use a group normalizer, group_ids must be encoded as well
group_ids_to_encode = self.group_ids
group_ids_to_encode = []
for name in dict.fromkeys(group_ids_to_encode + self.categoricals):
if name in self.lagged_variables:
continue # do not encode here but only in transform
if name in self._variable_groups: # fit groups
columns = self._variable_groups[name]
if name not in self._categorical_encoders:
self._categorical_encoders[name] = NaNLabelEncoder().fit(data[columns].to_numpy().reshape(-1))
elif self._categorical_encoders[name] is not None:
except NotFittedError:
self._categorical_encoders[name] = self._categorical_encoders[name].fit(
if name not in self._categorical_encoders:
self._categorical_encoders[name] = NaNLabelEncoder().fit(data[name])
elif self._categorical_encoders[name] is not None and name not in self.target_names:
except NotFittedError:
self._categorical_encoders[name] = self._categorical_encoders[name].fit(data[name])
# encode them
for name in dict.fromkeys(group_ids_to_encode + self.flat_categoricals):
# targets and its lagged versions are handled separetely
if name not in self.target_names and name not in self.lagged_targets:
data[name] = self.transform_values(
name, data[name], inverse=False, ignore_na=name in self.lagged_variables
# save special variables
assert "__time_idx__" not in data.columns, "__time_idx__ is a protected column and must not be present in data"
data["__time_idx__"] = data[self.time_idx] # save unscaled
for target in self.target_names:
assert (
f"__target__{target}" not in data.columns
), f"__target__{target} is a protected column and must not be present in data"
data[f"__target__{target}"] = data[target]
if self.weight is not None:
data["__weight__"] = data[self.weight]
# train target normalizer
if self.target_normalizer is not None:
# fit target normalizer
except NotFittedError:
if isinstance(self.target_normalizer, EncoderNormalizer):
elif isinstance(self.target_normalizer, (GroupNormalizer, MultiNormalizer)):
self.target_normalizer.fit(data[self.target], data)
# transform target
if isinstance(self.target_normalizer, EncoderNormalizer):
# we approximate the scales and target transformation by assuming one
# transformation over the entire time range but by each group
common_init_args = [
for name in inspect.signature(GroupNormalizer.__init__).parameters.keys()
if name in inspect.signature(EncoderNormalizer.__init__).parameters.keys()
and name not in ["data", "self"]
copy_kwargs = {name: getattr(self.target_normalizer, name) for name in common_init_args}
normalizer = GroupNormalizer(groups=self.group_ids, **copy_kwargs)
data[self.target], scales = normalizer.fit_transform(data[self.target], data, return_norm=True)
elif isinstance(self.target_normalizer, GroupNormalizer):
data[self.target], scales = self.target_normalizer.transform(data[self.target], data, return_norm=True)
elif isinstance(self.target_normalizer, MultiNormalizer):
transformed, scales = self.target_normalizer.transform(data[self.target], data, return_norm=True)
for idx, target in enumerate(self.target_names):
data[target] = transformed[idx]
if isinstance(self.target_normalizer[idx], NaNLabelEncoder):
# overwrite target because it requires encoding (continuous targets should not be normalized)
data[f"__target__{target}"] = data[target]
elif isinstance(self.target_normalizer, NaNLabelEncoder):
data[self.target] = self.target_normalizer.transform(data[self.target])
# overwrite target because it requires encoding (continuous targets should not be normalized)
data[f"__target__{self.target}"] = data[self.target]
scales = None
data[self.target], scales = self.target_normalizer.transform(data[self.target], return_norm=True)
# add target scales
if self.add_target_scales:
if not isinstance(self.target_normalizer, MultiNormalizer):
scales = [scales]
for target_idx, target in enumerate(self.target_names):
if not isinstance(self.target_normalizers[target_idx], NaNLabelEncoder):
for scale_idx, name in enumerate(["center", "scale"]):
feature_name = f"{target}_{name}"
assert (
feature_name not in data.columns
), f"{feature_name} is a protected column and must not be present in data"
data[feature_name] = scales[target_idx][:, scale_idx].squeeze()
if feature_name not in self.reals:
# rescale continuous variables apart from target
for name in self.reals:
if name in self.target_names or name in self.lagged_variables:
# lagged variables are only transformed - not fitted
elif name not in self._scalers:
self._scalers[name] = StandardScaler().fit(data[[name]])
elif self._scalers[name] is not None:
except NotFittedError:
if isinstance(self._scalers[name], GroupNormalizer):
self._scalers[name] = self._scalers[name].fit(data[name], data)
self._scalers[name] = self._scalers[name].fit(data[[name]])
# encode after fitting
for name in self.reals:
# targets are handled separately
transformer = self.get_transformer(name)
if (
name not in self.target_names
and transformer is not None
and not isinstance(transformer, EncoderNormalizer)
data[name] = self.transform_values(name, data[name], data=data, inverse=False)
# encode lagged categorical targets
for name in self.lagged_targets:
# normalizer only now available
if name in self.flat_categoricals:
data[name] = self.transform_values(name, data[name], inverse=False, ignore_na=True)
# encode constant values
self.encoded_constant_fill_strategy = {}
for name, value in self._constant_fill_strategy.items():
if name in self.target_names:
self.encoded_constant_fill_strategy[f"__target__{name}"] = value
self.encoded_constant_fill_strategy[name] = self.transform_values(
name, np.array([value]), data=data, inverse=False
# shorten data by maximum of lagged sequences to avoid NA values - shorten only after encoding
if self.max_lag > 0:
# negative tail implementation as .groupby().tail(-self.max_lag) is not implemented in pandas
g = data.groupby(self._group_ids, observed=True)
data = g._selected_obj[g.cumcount() >= self.max_lag]
return data
def _data_to_tensors(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
Convert data to tensors for faster access with :py:meth:`~__getitem__`.
data (pd.DataFrame): preprocessed data
Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: dictionary of tensors for continous, categorical data, groups, target and
time index
index = check_for_nonfinite(
torch.tensor(data[self._group_ids].to_numpy(np.int64), dtype=torch.int64), self.group_ids
time = check_for_nonfinite(
torch.tensor(data["__time_idx__"].to_numpy(np.int64), dtype=torch.int64), self.time_idx
# categorical covariates
categorical = check_for_nonfinite(
torch.tensor(data[self.flat_categoricals].to_numpy(np.int64), dtype=torch.int64), self.flat_categoricals
# get weight
if self.weight is not None:
weight = check_for_nonfinite(
weight = None
# get target
if isinstance(self.target_normalizer, NaNLabelEncoder):
target = [
torch.tensor(data[f"__target__{self.target}"].to_numpy(dtype=np.int64), dtype=torch.long),
if not isinstance(self.target, str): # multi-target
target = [
dtype=[np.float64, np.int64][data[name].dtype.kind in "bi"]
dtype=[torch.float, torch.long][data[name].dtype.kind in "bi"],
for name in self.target_names
target = [
torch.tensor(data[f"__target__{self.target}"].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64), dtype=torch.float),
# continuous covariates
continuous = check_for_nonfinite(
torch.tensor(data[self.reals].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64), dtype=torch.float), self.reals
tensors = dict(
reals=continuous, categoricals=categorical, groups=index, target=target, weight=weight, time=time
return tensors
def categoricals(self) -> List[str]:
Categorical variables as used for modelling.
List[str]: list of variables
return (
self._static_categoricals + self._time_varying_known_categoricals + self._time_varying_unknown_categoricals
def flat_categoricals(self) -> List[str]:
Categorical variables as defined in input data.
List[str]: list of variables
categories = []
for name in self.categoricals:
if name in self._variable_groups:
return categories
def variable_to_group_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
Mapping from categorical variables to variables in input data.
Dict[str, str]: dictionary mapping from :py:meth:`~categorical` to :py:meth:`~flat_categoricals`.
groups = {}
for group_name, sublist in self._variable_groups.items():
groups.update({name: group_name for name in sublist})
return groups
def reals(self) -> List[str]:
Continous variables as used for modelling.
List[str]: list of variables
return self._static_reals + self._time_varying_known_reals + self._time_varying_unknown_reals
def target_names(self) -> List[str]:
List of targets.
List[str]: list of targets
if self.multi_target:
return self.target
return [self.target]
def multi_target(self) -> bool:
If dataset encodes one or multiple targets.
bool: true if multiple targets
return isinstance(self.target, (list, tuple))
def target_normalizers(self) -> List[TorchNormalizer]:
List of target normalizers aligned with ``target_names``.
List[TorchNormalizer]: list of target normalizers
if isinstance(self.target_normalizer, MultiNormalizer):
target_normalizers = self.target_normalizer.normalizers
target_normalizers = [self.target_normalizer]
return target_normalizers
def get_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get parameters that can be used with :py:meth:`~from_parameters` to create a new dataset with the same scalers.
Dict[str, Any]: dictionary of parameters
kwargs = {
name: getattr(self, name)
for name in inspect.signature(self.__class__.__init__).parameters.keys()
if name not in ["data", "self"]
kwargs["categorical_encoders"] = self._categorical_encoders
kwargs["scalers"] = self._scalers
return kwargs
def from_dataset(
cls, dataset, data: pd.DataFrame, stop_randomization: bool = False, predict: bool = False, **update_kwargs
Generate dataset with different underlying data but same variable encoders and scalers, etc.
Calls :py:meth:`~from_parameters` under the hood.
dataset (TimeSeriesDataSet): dataset from which to copy parameters
data (pd.DataFrame): data from which new dataset will be generated
stop_randomization (bool, optional): If to stop randomizing encoder and decoder lengths,
e.g. useful for validation set. Defaults to False.
predict (bool, optional): If to predict the decoder length on the last entries in the
time index (i.e. one prediction per group only). Defaults to False.
**kwargs: keyword arguments overriding parameters in the original dataset
TimeSeriesDataSet: new dataset
return cls.from_parameters(
dataset.get_parameters(), data, stop_randomization=stop_randomization, predict=predict, **update_kwargs
def from_parameters(
parameters: Dict[str, Any],
data: pd.DataFrame,
stop_randomization: bool = None,
predict: bool = False,
Generate dataset with different underlying data but same variable encoders and scalers, etc.
parameters (Dict[str, Any]): dataset parameters which to use for the new dataset
data (pd.DataFrame): data from which new dataset will be generated
stop_randomization (bool, optional): If to stop randomizing encoder and decoder lengths,
e.g. useful for validation set. Defaults to False.
predict (bool, optional): If to predict the decoder length on the last entries in the
time index (i.e. one prediction per group only). Defaults to False.
**kwargs: keyword arguments overriding parameters
TimeSeriesDataSet: new dataset
parameters = deepcopy(parameters)
if predict:
if stop_randomization is None:
stop_randomization = True
elif not stop_randomization:
"If predicting, no randomization should be possible - setting stop_randomization=True", UserWarning
stop_randomization = True
parameters["min_prediction_length"] = parameters["max_prediction_length"]
parameters["predict_mode"] = True
elif stop_randomization is None:
stop_randomization = False
if stop_randomization:
parameters["randomize_length"] = None
new = cls(data, **parameters)
return new
def _construct_index(self, data: pd.DataFrame, predict_mode: bool) -> pd.DataFrame:
Create index of samples.
data (pd.DataFrame): preprocessed data
predict_mode (bool): if to create one same per group with prediction length equals ``max_decoder_length``
pd.DataFrame: index dataframe for timesteps and index dataframe for groups.
It contains a list of all possible subsequences.
g = data.groupby(self._group_ids, observed=True)
df_index_first = g["__time_idx__"].transform("first").to_frame("time_first")
df_index_last = g["__time_idx__"].transform("last").to_frame("time_last")
df_index_diff_to_next = -g["__time_idx__"].diff(-1).fillna(-1).astype(int).to_frame("time_diff_to_next")
df_index = pd.concat([df_index_first, df_index_last, df_index_diff_to_next], axis=1)
df_index["index_start"] = np.arange(len(df_index))
df_index["time"] = data["__time_idx__"]
df_index["count"] = (df_index["time_last"] - df_index["time_first"]).astype(int) + 1
sequence_ids = g.ngroup()
df_index["sequence_id"] = sequence_ids
min_sequence_length = self.min_prediction_length + self.min_encoder_length
max_sequence_length = self.max_prediction_length + self.max_encoder_length
# calculate maximum index to include from current index_start
max_time = (df_index["time"] + max_sequence_length - 1).clip(upper=df_index["count"] + df_index.time_first - 1)
# if there are missing timesteps, we cannot say directly what is the last timestep to include
# therefore we iterate until it is found
if (df_index["time_diff_to_next"] != 1).any():
assert (
), "Time difference between steps has been idenfied as larger than 1 - set allow_missing_timesteps=True"
df_index["index_end"], missing_sequences = _find_end_indices(
max_lengths=(max_time - df_index.time).to_numpy() + 1,
# add duplicates but mostly with shorter sequence length for start of timeseries
# while the previous steps have ensured that we start a sequence on every time step, the missing_sequences
# ensure that there is a sequence that finishes on every timestep
if len(missing_sequences) > 0:
shortened_sequences = df_index.iloc[missing_sequences[:, 0]].assign(index_end=missing_sequences[:, 1])
# concatenate shortened sequences
df_index = pd.concat([df_index, shortened_sequences], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
# filter out where encode and decode length are not satisfied
df_index["sequence_length"] = df_index["time"].iloc[df_index["index_end"]].to_numpy() - df_index["time"] + 1
# filter too short sequences
df_index = df_index[
# sequence must be at least of minimal prediction length
lambda x: (x.sequence_length >= min_sequence_length)
# prediction must be for after minimal prediction index + length of prediction
(x["sequence_length"] + x["time"] >= self.min_prediction_idx + self.min_prediction_length)
if predict_mode: # keep longest element per series (i.e. the first element that spans to the end of the series)
# filter all elements that are longer than the allowed maximum sequence length
df_index = df_index[
lambda x: (x["time_last"] - x["time"] + 1 <= max_sequence_length)
& (x["sequence_length"] >= min_sequence_length)
# choose longest sequence
df_index = df_index.loc[df_index.groupby("sequence_id").sequence_length.idxmax()]
# check that all groups/series have at least one entry in the index
if not sequence_ids.isin(df_index.sequence_id).all():
missing_groups = data.loc[~sequence_ids.isin(df_index.sequence_id), self._group_ids].drop_duplicates()
# decode values
for name, id in self._group_ids_mapping.items():
missing_groups[id] = self.transform_values(name, missing_groups[id], inverse=True, group_id=True)
"Min encoder length and/or min_prediction_idx and/or min prediction length and/or lags are "
"too large for "
f"{len(missing_groups)} series/groups which therefore are not present in the dataset index. "
"This means no predictions can be made for those series. "
f"First 10 removed groups: {list(missing_groups.iloc[:10].to_dict(orient='index').values())}",
assert (
len(df_index) > 0
), "filters should not remove entries all entries - check encoder/decoder lengths and lags"
return df_index
def filter(self, filter_func: Callable, copy: bool = True) -> "TimeSeriesDataSet":
Filter subsequences in dataset.
Uses interpretable version of index :py:meth:`~decoded_index`
to filter subsequences in dataset.
filter_func (Callable): function to filter. Should take :py:meth:`~decoded_index`
dataframe as only argument which contains group ids and time index columns.
copy (bool): if to return copy of dataset or filter inplace.
TimeSeriesDataSet: filtered dataset
# calculate filter
filtered_index = self.index[np.asarray(filter_func(self.decoded_index))]
# raise error if filter removes all entries
if len(filtered_index) == 0:
raise ValueError("After applying filter no sub-sequences left in dataset")
if copy:
dataset = _copy(self)
dataset.index = filtered_index
return dataset
self.index = filtered_index
return self
def decoded_index(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get interpretable version of index.
DataFrame contains
- group_id columns in original encoding
- time_idx_first column: first time index of subsequence
- time_idx_last columns: last time index of subsequence
- time_idx_first_prediction columns: first time index which is in decoder
pd.DataFrame: index that can be understood in terms of original data
# get dataframe to filter
index_start = self.index["index_start"].to_numpy()
index_last = self.index["index_end"].to_numpy()
index = (
# get group ids in order of index
pd.DataFrame(self.data["groups"][index_start].numpy(), columns=self.group_ids)
# to original values
.apply(lambda x: self.transform_values(name=x.name, values=x, group_id=True, inverse=True))
# add time index
# prediction index is last time index - decoder length + 1
time_idx_first_prediction=lambda x: x.time_idx_last
- self.calculate_decoder_length(
time_last=x.time_idx_last, sequence_length=x.time_idx_last - x.time_idx_first + 1
+ 1,
return index
def plot_randomization(self, betas: Tuple[float, float] = None, length: int = None, min_length: int = None):
Plot expected randomized length distribution.
betas (Tuple[float, float], optional): Tuple of betas, e.g. ``(0.2, 0.05)`` to use for randomization.
Defaults to ``randomize_length`` of dataset.
length (int, optional): . Defaults to ``max_encoder_length``.
min_length (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to ``min_encoder_length``.
Tuple[plt.Figure, torch.Tensor]: tuple of figure and histogram based on 1000 samples
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if betas is None:
betas = self.randomize_length
if length is None:
length = self.max_encoder_length
if min_length is None:
min_length = self.min_encoder_length
probabilities = Beta(betas[0], betas[1]).sample((1000,))
lengths = ((length - min_length) * probabilities).round() + min_length
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
return fig, lengths
def __len__(self) -> int:
Length of dataset.
int: length
return self.index.shape[0]
def set_overwrite_values(
self, values: Union[float, torch.Tensor], variable: str, target: Union[str, slice] = "decoder"
) -> None:
Convenience method to quickly overwrite values in decoder or encoder (or both) for a specific variable.
values (Union[float, torch.Tensor]): values to use for overwrite.
variable (str): variable whose values should be overwritten.
target (Union[str, slice], optional): positions to overwrite. One of "decoder", "encoder" or "all" or
a slice object which is directly used to overwrite indices, e.g. ``slice(-5, None)`` will overwrite
the last 5 values. Defaults to "decoder".
values = torch.tensor(self.transform_values(variable, np.asarray(values).reshape(-1), inverse=False)).squeeze()
assert target in [
], f"target has be one of 'all', 'decoder' or 'encoder' but target={target} instead"
if variable in self._static_categoricals or variable in self._static_categoricals:
target = "all"
if variable in self.target_names:
raise NotImplementedError("Target variable is not supported")
if self.weight is not None and self.weight == variable:
raise NotImplementedError("Weight variable is not supported")
if isinstance(self._scalers.get(variable, self._categorical_encoders.get(variable)), TorchNormalizer):
raise NotImplementedError("TorchNormalizer (e.g. GroupNormalizer) is not supported")
if self._overwrite_values is None:
self._overwrite_values = {}
self._overwrite_values.update(dict(values=values, variable=variable, target=target))
def reset_overwrite_values(self) -> None:
Reset values used to override sample features.
self._overwrite_values = None
def calculate_decoder_length(
time_last: Union[int, pd.Series, np.ndarray],
sequence_length: Union[int, pd.Series, np.ndarray],
) -> Union[int, pd.Series, np.ndarray]:
Calculate length of decoder.
time_last (Union[int, pd.Series, np.ndarray]): last time index of the sequence
sequence_length (Union[int, pd.Series, np.ndarray]): total length of the sequence
Union[int, pd.Series, np.ndarray]: decoder length(s)
if isinstance(time_last, int):
decoder_length = min(
time_last - (self.min_prediction_idx - 1), # not going beyond min prediction idx
self.max_prediction_length, # maximum prediction length
sequence_length - self.min_encoder_length, # sequence length - min decoder length
decoder_length = np.min(
time_last - (self.min_prediction_idx - 1),
sequence_length - self.min_encoder_length,
return decoder_length
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]:
Get sample for model
idx (int): index of prediction (between ``0`` and ``len(dataset) - 1``)
Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: x and y for model
index = self.index.iloc[idx]
# get index data
data_cont = self.data["reals"][index.index_start : index.index_end + 1].clone()
data_cat = self.data["categoricals"][index.index_start : index.index_end + 1].clone()
time = self.data["time"][index.index_start : index.index_end + 1].clone()
target = [d[index.index_start : index.index_end + 1].clone() for d in self.data["target"]]
groups = self.data["groups"][index.index_start].clone()
if self.data["weight"] is None:
weight = None
weight = self.data["weight"][index.index_start : index.index_end + 1].clone()
# get target scale in the form of a list
target_scale = self.target_normalizer.get_parameters(groups, self.group_ids)
if not isinstance(self.target_normalizer, MultiNormalizer):
target_scale = [target_scale]
# fill in missing values (if not all time indices are specified
sequence_length = len(time)
if sequence_length < index.sequence_length:
assert self.allow_missing_timesteps, "allow_missing_timesteps should be True if sequences have gaps"
repetitions = torch.cat([time[1:] - time[:-1], torch.ones(1, dtype=time.dtype)])
indices = torch.repeat_interleave(torch.arange(len(time)), repetitions)
repetition_indices = torch.cat([torch.tensor([False], dtype=torch.bool), indices[1:] == indices[:-1]])
# select data
data_cat = data_cat[indices]
data_cont = data_cont[indices]
target = [d[indices] for d in target]
if weight is not None:
weight = weight[indices]
# reset index
if self.time_idx in self.reals:
time_idx = self.reals.index(self.time_idx)
data_cont[:, time_idx] = torch.linspace(
data_cont[0, time_idx], data_cont[-1, time_idx], len(target[0]), dtype=data_cont.dtype
# make replacements to fill in categories
for name, value in self.encoded_constant_fill_strategy.items():
if name in self.reals:
data_cont[repetition_indices, self.reals.index(name)] = value
elif name in [f"__target__{target_name}" for target_name in self.target_names]:
target_pos = self.target_names.index(name[len("__target__") :])
target[target_pos][repetition_indices] = value
elif name in self.flat_categoricals:
data_cat[repetition_indices, self.flat_categoricals.index(name)] = value
elif name in self.target_names: # target is just not an input value
raise KeyError(f"Variable {name} is not known and thus cannot be filled in")
sequence_length = len(target[0])
# determine data window
assert (
sequence_length >= self.min_prediction_length
), "Sequence length should be at least minimum prediction length"
# determine prediction/decode length and encode length
decoder_length = self.calculate_decoder_length(time[-1], sequence_length)
encoder_length = sequence_length - decoder_length
assert (
decoder_length >= self.min_prediction_length
), "Decoder length should be at least minimum prediction length"
assert encoder_length >= self.min_encoder_length, "Encoder length should be at least minimum encoder length"
if self.randomize_length is not None: # randomization improves generalization
# modify encode and decode lengths
modifiable_encoder_length = encoder_length - self.min_encoder_length
encoder_length_probability = Beta(self.randomize_length[0], self.randomize_length[1]).sample()
# subsample a new/smaller encode length
new_encoder_length = self.min_encoder_length + int(
(modifiable_encoder_length * encoder_length_probability).round()
# extend decode length if possible
new_decoder_length = min(decoder_length + (encoder_length - new_encoder_length), self.max_prediction_length)
# select subset of sequence of new sequence
if new_encoder_length + new_decoder_length < len(target[0]):
data_cat = data_cat[encoder_length - new_encoder_length : encoder_length + new_decoder_length]
data_cont = data_cont[encoder_length - new_encoder_length : encoder_length + new_decoder_length]
target = [t[encoder_length - new_encoder_length : encoder_length + new_decoder_length] for t in target]
if weight is not None:
weight = weight[encoder_length - new_encoder_length : encoder_length + new_decoder_length]
encoder_length = new_encoder_length
decoder_length = new_decoder_length
# switch some variables to nan if encode length is 0
if encoder_length == 0 and len(self.dropout_categoricals) > 0:
data_cat[:, [self.flat_categoricals.index(c) for c in self.dropout_categoricals]] = (
0 # zero is encoded nan
assert decoder_length > 0, "Decoder length should be greater than 0"
assert encoder_length >= 0, "Encoder length should be at least 0"
if self.add_relative_time_idx:
data_cont[:, self.reals.index("relative_time_idx")] = (
torch.arange(-encoder_length, decoder_length, dtype=data_cont.dtype) / self.max_encoder_length
if self.add_encoder_length:
data_cont[:, self.reals.index("encoder_length")] = (
(encoder_length - 0.5 * self.max_encoder_length) / self.max_encoder_length * 2.0
# rescale target
for idx, target_normalizer in enumerate(self.target_normalizers):
if isinstance(target_normalizer, EncoderNormalizer):
target_name = self.target_names[idx]
# fit and transform
# get new scale
single_target_scale = target_normalizer.get_parameters()
# modify input data
if target_name in self.reals:
data_cont[:, self.reals.index(target_name)] = target_normalizer.transform(target[idx])
if self.add_target_scales:
data_cont[:, self.reals.index(f"{target_name}_center")] = self.transform_values(
f"{target_name}_center", single_target_scale[0]
data_cont[:, self.reals.index(f"{target_name}_scale")] = self.transform_values(
f"{target_name}_scale", single_target_scale[1]
# scale needs to be numpy to be consistent with GroupNormalizer
target_scale[idx] = single_target_scale.numpy()
# rescale covariates
for name in self.reals:
if name not in self.target_names and name not in self.lagged_variables:
normalizer = self.get_transformer(name)
if isinstance(normalizer, EncoderNormalizer):
# fit and transform
pos = self.reals.index(name)
normalizer.fit(data_cont[:encoder_length, pos])
# transform
data_cont[:, pos] = normalizer.transform(data_cont[:, pos])
# also normalize lagged variables
for name in self.reals:
if name in self.lagged_variables:
normalizer = self.get_transformer(name)
if isinstance(normalizer, EncoderNormalizer):
pos = self.reals.index(name)
data_cont[:, pos] = normalizer.transform(data_cont[:, pos])
# overwrite values
if self._overwrite_values is not None:
if isinstance(self._overwrite_values["target"], slice):
positions = self._overwrite_values["target"]
elif self._overwrite_values["target"] == "all":
positions = slice(None)
elif self._overwrite_values["target"] == "encoder":
positions = slice(None, encoder_length)
else: # decoder
positions = slice(encoder_length, None)
if self._overwrite_values["variable"] in self.reals:
idx = self.reals.index(self._overwrite_values["variable"])
data_cont[positions, idx] = self._overwrite_values["values"]
assert (
self._overwrite_values["variable"] in self.flat_categoricals
), "overwrite values variable has to be either in real or categorical variables"
idx = self.flat_categoricals.index(self._overwrite_values["variable"])
data_cat[positions, idx] = self._overwrite_values["values"]
# weight is only required for decoder
if weight is not None:
weight = weight[encoder_length:]
# if user defined target as list, output should be list, otherwise tensor
if self.multi_target:
encoder_target = [t[:encoder_length] for t in target]
target = [t[encoder_length:] for t in target]
encoder_target = target[0][:encoder_length]
target = target[0][encoder_length:]
target_scale = target_scale[0]
return (
(target, weight),
def _collate_fn(
batches: List[Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]:
Collate function to combine items into mini-batch for dataloader.
batches (List[Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]): List of samples generated with
Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Tuple[Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]], torch.Tensor]: minibatch
# collate function for dataloader
# lengths
encoder_lengths = torch.tensor([batch[0]["encoder_length"] for batch in batches], dtype=torch.long)
decoder_lengths = torch.tensor([batch[0]["decoder_length"] for batch in batches], dtype=torch.long)
# ids
decoder_time_idx_start = (
torch.tensor([batch[0]["encoder_time_idx_start"] for batch in batches], dtype=torch.long) + encoder_lengths
decoder_time_idx = decoder_time_idx_start.unsqueeze(1) + torch.arange(decoder_lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0)
groups = torch.stack([batch[0]["groups"] for batch in batches])
# features
encoder_cont = rnn.pad_sequence(
[batch[0]["x_cont"][:length] for length, batch in zip(encoder_lengths, batches)], batch_first=True
encoder_cat = rnn.pad_sequence(
[batch[0]["x_cat"][:length] for length, batch in zip(encoder_lengths, batches)], batch_first=True
decoder_cont = rnn.pad_sequence(
[batch[0]["x_cont"][length:] for length, batch in zip(encoder_lengths, batches)], batch_first=True
decoder_cat = rnn.pad_sequence(
[batch[0]["x_cat"][length:] for length, batch in zip(encoder_lengths, batches)], batch_first=True
# target scale
if isinstance(batches[0][0]["target_scale"], torch.Tensor): # stack tensor
target_scale = torch.stack([batch[0]["target_scale"] for batch in batches])
elif isinstance(batches[0][0]["target_scale"], (list, tuple)):
target_scale = []
for idx in range(len(batches[0][0]["target_scale"])):
if isinstance(batches[0][0]["target_scale"][idx], torch.Tensor): # stack tensor
scale = torch.stack([batch[0]["target_scale"][idx] for batch in batches])
scale = torch.from_numpy(
np.array([batch[0]["target_scale"][idx] for batch in batches], dtype=np.float32),
else: # convert to tensor
target_scale = torch.from_numpy(
np.array([batch[0]["target_scale"] for batch in batches], dtype=np.float32),
# target and weight
if isinstance(batches[0][1][0], (tuple, list)):
target = [
rnn.pad_sequence([batch[1][0][idx] for batch in batches], batch_first=True)
for idx in range(len(batches[0][1][0]))
encoder_target = [
rnn.pad_sequence([batch[0]["encoder_target"][idx] for batch in batches], batch_first=True)
for idx in range(len(batches[0][1][0]))
target = rnn.pad_sequence([batch[1][0] for batch in batches], batch_first=True)
encoder_target = rnn.pad_sequence([batch[0]["encoder_target"] for batch in batches], batch_first=True)
if batches[0][1][1] is not None:
weight = rnn.pad_sequence([batch[1][1] for batch in batches], batch_first=True)
weight = None
return (
(target, weight),
def to_dataloader(
self, train: bool = True, batch_size: int = 64, batch_sampler: Union[Sampler, str] = None, **kwargs
) -> DataLoader:
Get dataloader from dataset.
train (bool, optional): if dataloader is used for training or prediction
Will shuffle and drop last batch if True. Defaults to True.
batch_size (int): batch size for training model. Defaults to 64.
batch_sampler (Union[Sampler, str]): batch sampler or string. One of
* "synchronized": ensure that samples in decoder are aligned in time. Does not support missing
values in dataset. This makes only sense if the underlying algorithm makes use of values aligned
in time.
* PyTorch Sampler instance: any PyTorch sampler, e.g. the WeightedRandomSampler()
* None: samples are taken randomly from times series.
**kwargs: additional arguments to ``DataLoader()``
DataLoader: dataloader that returns Tuple.
First entry is ``x``, a dictionary of tensors with the entries (and shapes in brackets)
* encoder_cat (batch_size x n_encoder_time_steps x n_features): long tensor of encoded
categoricals for encoder
* encoder_cont (batch_size x n_encoder_time_steps x n_features): float tensor of scaled continuous
variables for encoder
* encoder_target (batch_size x n_encoder_time_steps or list thereof with each entry for a different
float tensor with unscaled continous target or encoded categorical target,
list of tensors for multiple targets
* encoder_lengths (batch_size): long tensor with lengths of the encoder time series. No entry will
be greater than n_encoder_time_steps
* decoder_cat (batch_size x n_decoder_time_steps x n_features): long tensor of encoded
categoricals for decoder
* decoder_cont (batch_size x n_decoder_time_steps x n_features): float tensor of scaled continuous
variables for decoder
* decoder_target (batch_size x n_decoder_time_steps or list thereof with each entry for a different
float tensor with unscaled continous target or encoded categorical target for decoder
- this corresponds to first entry of ``y``, list of tensors for multiple targets
* decoder_lengths (batch_size): long tensor with lengths of the decoder time series. No entry will
be greater than n_decoder_time_steps
* group_ids (batch_size x number_of_ids): encoded group ids that identify a time series in the dataset
* target_scale (batch_size x scale_size or list thereof with each entry for a different target):
parameters used to normalize the target.
Typically these are mean and standard deviation. Is list of tensors for multiple targets.
Second entry is ``y``, a tuple of the form (``target``, `weight`)
* target (batch_size x n_decoder_time_steps or list thereof with each entry for a different target):
unscaled (continuous) or encoded (categories) targets, list of tensors for multiple targets
* weight (None or batch_size x n_decoder_time_steps): weight
Weight by samples for training:
.. code-block:: python
from torch.utils.data import WeightedRandomSampler
# length of probabilties for sampler have to be equal to the length of the index
probabilities = np.sqrt(1 + data.loc[dataset.index, "target"])
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(probabilities, len(probabilities))
dataset.to_dataloader(train=True, sampler=sampler, shuffle=False)
default_kwargs = dict(
drop_last=train and len(self) > batch_size,
kwargs = default_kwargs
if kwargs["batch_sampler"] is not None:
sampler = kwargs["batch_sampler"]
if isinstance(sampler, str):
if sampler == "synchronized":
kwargs["batch_sampler"] = TimeSynchronizedBatchSampler(
raise ValueError(f"batch_sampler {sampler} unknown - see docstring for valid batch_sampler")
del kwargs["batch_size"]
del kwargs["shuffle"]
del kwargs["drop_last"]
return DataLoader(
def x_to_index(self, x: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> pd.DataFrame:
Decode dataframe index from x.
dataframe with time index column for first prediction and group ids
index_data = {self.time_idx: x["decoder_time_idx"][:, 0].cpu()}
for id in self.group_ids:
index_data[id] = x["groups"][:, self.group_ids.index(id)].cpu()
# decode if possible
index_data[id] = self.transform_values(id, index_data[id], inverse=True, group_id=True)
index = pd.DataFrame(index_data)
return index
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return repr_class(self, attributes=self.get_parameters(), extra_attributes=dict(length=len(self)))