Source code for pytorch_forecasting.models.nhits

N-HiTS model for timeseries forecasting with covariates.
from copy import copy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

from import TimeSeriesDataSet
from import NaNLabelEncoder
from pytorch_forecasting.metrics import MAE, MAPE, MASE, RMSE, SMAPE, MultiHorizonMetric, MultiLoss
from pytorch_forecasting.models.base_model import BaseModelWithCovariates
from pytorch_forecasting.models.nhits.sub_modules import NHiTS as NHiTSModule
from pytorch_forecasting.models.nn.embeddings import MultiEmbedding
from pytorch_forecasting.utils import create_mask, detach, to_list

[docs]class NHiTS(BaseModelWithCovariates): def __init__( self, output_size: Union[int, List[int]] = 1, static_categoricals: List[str] = [], static_reals: List[str] = [], time_varying_categoricals_encoder: List[str] = [], time_varying_categoricals_decoder: List[str] = [], categorical_groups: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, time_varying_reals_encoder: List[str] = [], time_varying_reals_decoder: List[str] = [], embedding_sizes: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {}, embedding_paddings: List[str] = [], embedding_labels: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}, x_reals: List[str] = [], x_categoricals: List[str] = [], context_length: int = 1, prediction_length: int = 1, static_hidden_size: Optional[int] = None, naive_level: bool = True, shared_weights: bool = True, activation: str = "ReLU", initialization: str = "lecun_normal", n_blocks: List[int] = [1, 1, 1], n_layers: Union[int, List[int]] = 2, hidden_size: int = 512, pooling_sizes: Optional[List[int]] = None, downsample_frequencies: Optional[List[int]] = None, pooling_mode: str = "max", interpolation_mode: str = "linear", batch_normalization: bool = False, dropout: float = 0.0, learning_rate: float = 1e-2, log_interval: int = -1, log_gradient_flow: bool = False, log_val_interval: int = None, weight_decay: float = 1e-3, loss: MultiHorizonMetric = None, reduce_on_plateau_patience: int = 1000, backcast_loss_ratio: float = 0.0, logging_metrics: nn.ModuleList = None, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize N-HiTS Model - use its :py:meth:`~from_dataset` method if possible. Based on the article `N-HiTS: Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting <>`_. The network has shown to increase accuracy by ~25% against :py:class:`~pytorch_forecasting.models.nbeats.NBeats` and also supports covariates. Args: hidden_size (int): size of hidden layers and can range from 8 to 1024 - use 32-128 if no covariates are employed. Defaults to 512. static_hidden_size (Optional[int], optional): size of hidden layers for static variables. Defaults to hidden_size. loss: loss to optimize. Defaults to MASE(). QuantileLoss is also supported shared_weights (bool, optional): if True, weights of blocks are shared in each stack. Defaults to True. naive_level (bool, optional): if True, native forecast of last observation is added at the beginnging. Defaults to True. initialization (str, optional): Initialization method. One of ['orthogonal', 'he_uniform', 'glorot_uniform', 'glorot_normal', 'lecun_normal']. Defaults to "lecun_normal". n_blocks (List[int], optional): list of blocks used in each stack (i.e. length of stacks). Defaults to [1, 1, 1]. n_layers (Union[int, List[int]], optional): Number of layers per block or list of number of layers used by blocks in each stack (i.e. length of stacks). Defaults to 2. pooling_sizes (Optional[List[int]], optional): List of pooling sizes for input for each stack, i.e. higher means more smoothing of input. Using an ordering of higher to lower in the list improves results. Defaults to a heuristic. pooling_mode (str, optional): Pooling mode for summarizing input. One of ['max','average']. Defaults to "max". downsample_frequencies (Optional[List[int]], optional): Downsample multiplier of output for each stack, i.e. higher means more interpolation at forecast time is required. Should be equal or higher than pooling_sizes but smaller equal prediction_length. Defaults to a heuristic to match pooling_sizes. interpolation_mode (str, optional): Interpolation mode for forecasting. One of ['linear', 'nearest', 'cubic-x'] where 'x' is replaced by a batch size for the interpolation. Defaults to "linear". batch_normalization (bool, optional): Whether carry out batch normalization. Defaults to False. dropout (float, optional): dropout rate for hidden layers. Defaults to 0.0. activation (str, optional): activation function. One of ['ReLU', 'Softplus', 'Tanh', 'SELU', 'LeakyReLU', 'PReLU', 'Sigmoid']. Defaults to "ReLU". output_size: number of outputs (typically number of quantiles for QuantileLoss and one target or list of output sizes but currently only point-forecasts allowed). Set automatically. static_categoricals: names of static categorical variables static_reals: names of static continuous variables time_varying_categoricals_encoder: names of categorical variables for encoder time_varying_categoricals_decoder: names of categorical variables for decoder time_varying_reals_encoder: names of continuous variables for encoder time_varying_reals_decoder: names of continuous variables for decoder categorical_groups: dictionary where values are list of categorical variables that are forming together a new categorical variable which is the key in the dictionary x_reals: order of continuous variables in tensor passed to forward function x_categoricals: order of categorical variables in tensor passed to forward function hidden_continuous_size: default for hidden size for processing continous variables (similar to categorical embedding size) hidden_continuous_sizes: dictionary mapping continuous input indices to sizes for variable selection (fallback to hidden_continuous_size if index is not in dictionary) embedding_sizes: dictionary mapping (string) indices to tuple of number of categorical classes and embedding size embedding_paddings: list of indices for embeddings which transform the zero's embedding to a zero vector embedding_labels: dictionary mapping (string) indices to list of categorical labels learning_rate: learning rate log_interval: log predictions every x batches, do not log if 0 or less, log interpretation if > 0. If < 1.0 , will log multiple entries per batch. Defaults to -1. log_val_interval: frequency with which to log validation set metrics, defaults to log_interval log_gradient_flow: if to log gradient flow, this takes time and should be only done to diagnose training failures prediction_length: Length of the prediction. Also known as 'horizon'. context_length: Number of time units that condition the predictions. Also known as 'lookback period'. Should be between 1-10 times the prediction length. backcast_loss_ratio: weight of backcast in comparison to forecast when calculating the loss. A weight of 1.0 means that forecast and backcast loss is weighted the same (regardless of backcast and forecast lengths). Defaults to 0.0, i.e. no weight. log_gradient_flow: if to log gradient flow, this takes time and should be only done to diagnose training failures reduce_on_plateau_patience (int): patience after which learning rate is reduced by a factor of 10 logging_metrics (nn.ModuleList[MultiHorizonMetric]): list of metrics that are logged during training. Defaults to nn.ModuleList([SMAPE(), MAE(), RMSE(), MAPE(), MASE()]) **kwargs: additional arguments to :py:class:`~BaseModel`. """ if logging_metrics is None: logging_metrics = nn.ModuleList([SMAPE(), MAE(), RMSE(), MAPE(), MASE()]) if loss is None: loss = MASE() if activation == "SELU": self.hparams.initialization = "lecun_normal" # provide default downsampling sizes n_stacks = len(n_blocks) if pooling_sizes is None: pooling_sizes = np.exp2(np.round(np.linspace(0.49, np.log2(prediction_length / 2), n_stacks))) pooling_sizes = [int(x) for x in pooling_sizes[::-1]] if downsample_frequencies is None: downsample_frequencies = [min(prediction_length, int(np.power(x, 1.5))) for x in pooling_sizes] # set static hidden size if static_hidden_size is None: static_hidden_size = hidden_size # set layers if isinstance(n_layers, int): n_layers = [n_layers] * n_stacks self.save_hyperparameters() super().__init__(loss=loss, logging_metrics=logging_metrics, **kwargs) self.embeddings = MultiEmbedding( embedding_sizes=self.hparams.embedding_sizes, categorical_groups=self.hparams.categorical_groups, embedding_paddings=self.hparams.embedding_paddings, x_categoricals=self.hparams.x_categoricals, ) self.model = NHiTSModule( context_length=self.hparams.context_length, prediction_length=self.hparams.prediction_length, output_size=to_list(output_size), static_size=self.static_size, encoder_covariate_size=self.encoder_covariate_size, decoder_covariate_size=self.decoder_covariate_size, static_hidden_size=self.hparams.static_hidden_size, n_blocks=self.hparams.n_blocks, n_layers=self.hparams.n_layers, hidden_size=self.n_stacks * [2 * [self.hparams.hidden_size]], pooling_sizes=self.hparams.pooling_sizes, downsample_frequencies=self.hparams.downsample_frequencies, pooling_mode=self.hparams.pooling_mode, interpolation_mode=self.hparams.interpolation_mode, dropout=self.hparams.dropout, activation=self.hparams.activation, initialization=self.hparams.initialization, batch_normalization=self.hparams.batch_normalization, shared_weights=self.hparams.shared_weights, naive_level=self.hparams.naive_level, ) @property def decoder_covariate_size(self) -> int: """Decoder covariates size. Returns: int: size of time-dependent covariates used by the decoder """ return len(set(self.hparams.time_varying_reals_decoder) - set(self.target_names)) + sum( self.embeddings.output_size[name] for name in self.hparams.time_varying_categoricals_decoder ) @property def encoder_covariate_size(self) -> int: """Encoder covariate size. Returns: int: size of time-dependent covariates used by the encoder """ return len(set(self.hparams.time_varying_reals_encoder) - set(self.target_names)) + sum( self.embeddings.output_size[name] for name in self.hparams.time_varying_categoricals_encoder ) @property def static_size(self) -> int: """Static covariate size. Returns: int: size of static covariates """ return len(self.hparams.static_reals) + sum( self.embeddings.output_size[name] for name in self.hparams.static_categoricals ) @property def n_stacks(self) -> int: """Number of stacks. Returns: int: number of stacks. """ return len(self.hparams.n_blocks)
[docs] def forward(self, x: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Pass forward of network. Args: x (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): input from dataloader generated from :py:class:``. Returns: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: output of model """ # covariates if self.encoder_covariate_size > 0: encoder_features = self.extract_features(x, self.embeddings, period="encoder") encoder_x_t = torch.concat( [encoder_features[name] for name in self.encoder_variables if name not in self.target_names], dim=2, ) else: encoder_x_t = None if self.decoder_covariate_size > 0: decoder_features = self.extract_features(x, self.embeddings, period="decoder") decoder_x_t = torch.concat([decoder_features[name] for name in self.decoder_variables], dim=2) else: decoder_x_t = None # statics if self.static_size > 0: x_s = torch.concat([encoder_features[name][:, 0] for name in self.static_variables], dim=1) else: x_s = None # target encoder_y = x["encoder_cont"][..., self.target_positions] encoder_mask = create_mask(x["encoder_lengths"].max(), x["encoder_lengths"], inverse=True) # run model forecast, backcast, block_forecasts, block_backcasts = self.model( encoder_y, encoder_mask, encoder_x_t, decoder_x_t, x_s ) backcast = encoder_y - backcast # create block output: detach and split by block block_backcasts = block_backcasts.detach() block_forecasts = block_forecasts.detach() if isinstance(self.hparams.output_size, (tuple, list)): forecast = forecast.split(self.hparams.output_size, dim=2) backcast = backcast.split(1, dim=2) block_backcasts = tuple( self.transform_output(block.squeeze(3).split(1, dim=2), target_scale=x["target_scale"]) for block in block_backcasts.split(1, dim=3) ) block_forecasts = tuple( self.transform_output( block.squeeze(3).split(self.hparams.output_size, dim=2), target_scale=x["target_scale"] ) for block in block_forecasts.split(1, dim=3) ) else: block_backcasts = tuple( self.transform_output(block.squeeze(3), target_scale=x["target_scale"], loss=MultiHorizonMetric()) for block in block_backcasts.split(1, dim=3) ) block_forecasts = tuple( self.transform_output(block.squeeze(3), target_scale=x["target_scale"]) for block in block_forecasts.split(1, dim=3) ) return self.to_network_output( prediction=self.transform_output( forecast, target_scale=x["target_scale"] ), # (n_outputs x) n_samples x n_timesteps x output_size backcast=self.transform_output( backcast, target_scale=x["target_scale"], loss=MultiHorizonMetric() ), # (n_outputs x) n_samples x n_timesteps x 1 block_backcasts=block_backcasts, # n_blocks x (n_outputs x) n_samples x n_timesteps x 1 block_forecasts=block_forecasts, # n_blocks x (n_outputs x) n_samples x n_timesteps x output_size )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataset(cls, dataset: TimeSeriesDataSet, **kwargs): """ Convenience function to create network from :py:class``. Args: dataset (TimeSeriesDataSet): dataset where sole predictor is the target. **kwargs: additional arguments to be passed to ``__init__`` method. Returns: NBeats """ # validate arguments assert not isinstance( dataset.target_normalizer, NaNLabelEncoder ), "only regression tasks are supported - target must not be categorical" assert ( dataset.min_encoder_length == dataset.max_encoder_length ), "only fixed encoder length is allowed, but min_encoder_length != max_encoder_length" assert ( dataset.max_prediction_length == dataset.min_prediction_length ), "only fixed prediction length is allowed, but max_prediction_length != min_prediction_length" assert dataset.randomize_length is None, "length has to be fixed, but randomize_length is not None" assert not dataset.add_relative_time_idx, "add_relative_time_idx has to be False" new_kwargs = copy(kwargs) new_kwargs.update( {"prediction_length": dataset.max_prediction_length, "context_length": dataset.max_encoder_length} ) new_kwargs.update(cls.deduce_default_output_parameters(dataset, kwargs, MASE())) assert (new_kwargs.get("backcast_loss_ratio", 0) == 0) | ( isinstance(new_kwargs["output_size"], int) and new_kwargs["output_size"] == 1 ) or all( o == 1 for o in new_kwargs["output_size"] ), "output sizes can only be of size 1, i.e. point forecasts if backcast_loss_ratio > 0" # initialize class return super().from_dataset(dataset, **new_kwargs)
[docs] def step(self, x, y, batch_idx) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Take training / validation step. """ log, out = super().step(x, y, batch_idx=batch_idx) if self.hparams.backcast_loss_ratio > 0 and not self.predicting: # add loss from backcast backcast = out["backcast"] backcast_weight = ( self.hparams.backcast_loss_ratio * self.hparams.prediction_length / self.hparams.context_length ) backcast_weight = backcast_weight / (backcast_weight + 1) # normalize forecast_weight = 1 - backcast_weight if isinstance(self.loss, (MultiLoss, MASE)): backcast_loss = ( self.loss( backcast, (x["encoder_target"], None), encoder_target=x["decoder_target"], encoder_lengths=x["decoder_lengths"], ) * backcast_weight ) else: backcast_loss = self.loss(backcast, x["encoder_target"]) * backcast_weight label = ["val", "train"][] self.log( f"{label}_backcast_loss", backcast_loss, on_epoch=True,, batch_size=len(x["decoder_target"]), ) self.log( f"{label}_forecast_loss", log["loss"], on_epoch=True,, batch_size=len(x["decoder_target"]), ) log["loss"] = log["loss"] * forecast_weight + backcast_loss # log interpretation self.log_interpretation(x, out, batch_idx=batch_idx) return log, out
[docs] def plot_interpretation( self, x: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], output: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], idx: int, ax=None, ) -> plt.Figure: """ Plot interpretation. Plot two pannels: prediction and backcast vs actuals and decomposition of prediction into different block predictions which capture different frequencies. Args: x (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): network input output (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): network output idx (int): index of sample for which to plot the interpretation. ax (List[matplotlib axes], optional): list of two matplotlib axes onto which to plot the interpretation. Defaults to None. Returns: plt.Figure: matplotlib figure """ if not isinstance(self.loss, MultiLoss): # not multi-target prediction = self.to_prediction(dict(prediction=output["prediction"][[idx]].detach()))[0].cpu() block_forecasts = [ self.to_prediction(dict(prediction=block[[idx]].detach()))[0].cpu() for block in output["block_forecasts"] ] elif isinstance(output["prediction"], (tuple, list)): # multi-target figs = [] # predictions and block forecasts need to be converted prediction = [p[[idx]].detach() for p in output["prediction"]] # select index prediction = self.to_prediction(dict(prediction=prediction)) # transform to prediction prediction = [p[0].cpu() for p in prediction] # select first and only index block_forecasts = [ self.to_prediction(dict(prediction=[b[[idx]].detach() for b in block])) for block in output["block_forecasts"] ] block_forecasts = [[b[0].cpu() for b in block] for block in block_forecasts] for i in range(len(self.target_names)): if ax is not None: ax_i = ax[i] else: ax_i = None figs.append( self.plot_interpretation( dict(encoder_target=x["encoder_target"][i], decoder_target=x["decoder_target"][i]), dict( backcast=output["backcast"][i], prediction=prediction[i], block_backcasts=[block[i] for block in output["block_backcasts"]], block_forecasts=[block[i] for block in block_forecasts], ), idx=idx, ax=ax_i, ) ) return figs else: prediction = output["prediction"] # multi target that has already been transformed block_forecasts = output["block_forecasts"] if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(6, 8), sharex=True, sharey=True) else: fig = ax[0].get_figure() # plot target vs prediction # target prop_cycle = iter(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]) color = next(prop_cycle)["color"] ax[0].plot(torch.arange(-self.hparams.context_length, 0), x["encoder_target"][idx].detach().cpu(), c=color) ax[0].plot( torch.arange(self.hparams.prediction_length), x["decoder_target"][idx].detach().cpu(), label="Target", c=color, ) # prediction color = next(prop_cycle)["color"] ax[0].plot( torch.arange(-self.hparams.context_length, 0), output["backcast"][idx][..., 0].detach().cpu(), label="Backcast", c=color, ) ax[0].plot( torch.arange(self.hparams.prediction_length), prediction, label="Forecast", c=color, ) # plot blocks for pooling_size, block_backcast, block_forecast in zip( self.hparams.pooling_sizes, output["block_backcasts"][1:], block_forecasts ): color = next(prop_cycle)["color"] ax[1].plot( torch.arange(-self.hparams.context_length, 0), block_backcast[idx][..., 0].detach().cpu(), c=color, ) ax[1].plot( torch.arange(self.hparams.prediction_length), block_forecast, c=color, label=f"Pooling size: {pooling_size}", ) ax[1].set_xlabel("Time") fig.legend() return fig
[docs] def log_interpretation(self, x, out, batch_idx): """ Log interpretation of network predictions in tensorboard. """ label = ["val", "train"][] if self.log_interval > 0 and batch_idx % self.log_interval == 0: fig = self.plot_interpretation(x, out, idx=0) name = f"{label.capitalize()} interpretation of item 0 in " if name += f"step {self.global_step}" else: name += f"batch {batch_idx}" self.logger.experiment.add_figure(name, fig, global_step=self.global_step) if isinstance(fig, (list, tuple)): for idx, f in enumerate(fig): self.logger.experiment.add_figure( f"{self.target_names[idx]} {name}", f, global_step=self.global_step, ) else: self.logger.experiment.add_figure( name, fig, global_step=self.global_step, )