Source code for pytorch_forecasting.metrics

Implementation of metrics for (mulit-horizon) timeseries forecasting.
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
import warnings

import scipy.stats
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
import torch
from torch import distributions
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.utils import rnn
from torchmetrics import Metric as LightningMetric

from pytorch_forecasting.utils import create_mask, unpack_sequence, unsqueeze_like

[docs]class Metric(LightningMetric): """ Base metric class that has basic functions that can handle predicting quantiles and operate in log space. See the `Lightning documentation <>`_ for details of how to implement a new metric Other metrics should inherit from this base class """ def __init__(self, name: str = None, quantiles: List[float] = None, reduction="mean"): """ Initialize metric Args: name (str): metric name. Defaults to class name. quantiles (List[float], optional): quantiles for probability range. Defaults to None. reduction (str, optional): Reduction, "none", "mean" or "sqrt-mean". Defaults to "mean". """ self.quantiles = quantiles self.reduction = reduction if name is None: name = self.__class__.__name__ = name super().__init__()
[docs] def update(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_actual: torch.Tensor): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def compute(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Abstract method that calcualtes metric Should be overriden in derived classes Args: y_pred: network output y_actual: actual values Returns: torch.Tensor: metric value on which backpropagation can be applied """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def rescale_parameters( self, parameters: torch.Tensor, target_scale: torch.Tensor, encoder: BaseEstimator ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Rescale normalized parameters into the scale required for the output. Args: parameters (torch.Tensor): normalized parameters (indexed by last dimension) target_scale (torch.Tensor): scale of parameters (n_batch_samples x (center, scale)) encoder (BaseEstimator): original encoder that normalized the target in the first place Returns: torch.Tensor: parameters in real/not normalized space """ return encoder(dict(prediction=parameters, target_scale=target_scale))
[docs] def to_prediction(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a point prediction. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network Returns: torch.Tensor: point prediction """ if y_pred.ndim == 3: if self.quantiles is None: assert y_pred.size(-1) == 1, "Prediction should only have one extra dimension" y_pred = y_pred[..., 0] else: y_pred = y_pred.mean(-1) return y_pred
[docs] def to_quantiles(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, quantiles: List[float] = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a quantile prediction. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network quantiles (List[float], optional): quantiles for probability range. Defaults to quantiles as as defined in the class initialization. Returns: torch.Tensor: prediction quantiles """ if quantiles is None: quantiles = self.quantiles if y_pred.ndim == 2: return y_pred.unsqueeze(-1) elif y_pred.ndim == 3: if y_pred.size(2) > 1: # single dimension means all quantiles are the same assert quantiles is not None, "quantiles are not defined" y_pred = torch.quantile(y_pred, torch.tensor(quantiles, device=y_pred.device), dim=2).permute(1, 2, 0) return y_pred else: raise ValueError(f"prediction has 1 or more than 3 dimensions: {y_pred.ndim}")
def __add__(self, metric: LightningMetric): composite_metric = CompositeMetric(metrics=[self]) new_metric = composite_metric + metric return new_metric def __mul__(self, multiplier: float): new_metric = CompositeMetric(metrics=[self], weights=[multiplier]) return new_metric __rmul__ = __mul__
[docs]class MultiLoss(LightningMetric): """ Metric that can be used with muliple metrics. """ def __init__(self, metrics: List[LightningMetric], weights: List[float] = None): """ Args: metrics (List[LightningMetric], optional): list of metrics to combine. weights (List[float], optional): list of weights / multipliers for weights. Defaults to 1.0 for all metrics. """ assert len(metrics) > 0, "at least one metric has to be specified" if weights is None: weights = [1.0 for _ in metrics] assert len(weights) == len(metrics), "Number of weights has to match number of metrics" self.metrics = metrics self.weights = weights super().__init__() def __repr__(self): name = ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" + ", ".join([f"{w:.3g} * {repr(m)}" if w != 1.0 else repr(m) for w, m in zip(self.weights, self.metrics)]) + ")" ) return name def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over metrics. """ return iter(self.metrics) def __len__(self) -> int: """ Number of metrics. Returns: int: number of metrics """ return len(self.metrics)
[docs] def update(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_actual: torch.Tensor): """ Update composite metric Args: y_pred: network output y_actual: actual values Returns: torch.Tensor: metric value on which backpropagation can be applied """ for idx, metric in enumerate(self.metrics): metric.update(y_pred[idx], (y_actual[0][idx], y_actual[1]))
[docs] def compute(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Get metric Returns: torch.Tensor: metric """ results = [] for weight, metric in zip(self.weights, self.metrics): results.append(metric.compute() * weight) if len(results) == 1: results = results[0] else: results = torch.stack(results, dim=0).sum(0) return results
[docs] def to_prediction(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a point prediction. Will use first metric in ``metrics`` attribute to calculate result. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network **kwargs: arguments for metrics Returns: torch.Tensor: point prediction """ result = [] for idx, metric in enumerate(self.metrics): try: result.append(metric.to_prediction(y_pred[idx], **kwargs)) except TypeError: result.append(metric.to_prediction(y_pred[idx])) return result
[docs] def to_quantiles(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a quantile prediction. Will use first metric in ``metrics`` attribute to calculate result. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network **kwargs: parameters to each metric's ``to_quantiles()`` method Returns: torch.Tensor: prediction quantiles """ result = [] for idx, metric in enumerate(self.metrics): try: result.append(metric.to_quantiles(y_pred[idx], **kwargs)) except TypeError: result.append(metric.to_quantiles(y_pred[idx])) return result
def __getitem__(self, idx: int): """ Return metric. Args: idx (int): metric index """ return self.metrics[idx] def __getattr__(self, name: str): """ Return dynamically attributes. Return attributes if defined in this class. If not, create dynamically attributes based on attributes of underlying metrics that are lists. Create functions if necessary. Arguments to functions are distributed to the functions if they are lists and their length matches the number of metrics. Otherwise, they are directly passed to each callable of the metrics Args: name (str): name of attribute Returns: attributes of this class or list of attributes of underlying class """ try: return super().__getattr__(name) except AttributeError as e: attribute_exists = all([hasattr(metric, name) for metric in self.metrics]) if attribute_exists: # check if to return callable or not and return function if yes if callable(getattr(self.metrics[0], name)): n = len(self.metrics) def func(*args, **kwargs): # if arg/kwarg is list and of length metric, then apply each part to a metric. otherwise # pass it directly to all metrics results = [] for idx, m in enumerate(self.metrics): new_args = [ arg[idx] if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)) and not isinstance(arg, rnn.PackedSequence) and len(arg) == n else arg for arg in args ] new_kwargs = { key: val[idx] if isinstance(val, list) and not isinstance(val, rnn.PackedSequence) and len(val) == n else val for key, val in kwargs.items() } results.append(getattr(m, name)(*new_args, **new_kwargs)) return results return func else: # else return list of attributes return [getattr(metric, name) for metric in self.metrics] else: # attribute does not exist for all metrics raise e
[docs]class CompositeMetric(LightningMetric): """ Metric that combines multiple metrics. Metric does not have to be called explicitly but is automatically created when adding and multiplying metrics with each other. Example: .. code-block:: python composite_metric = SMAPE() + 0.4 * MAE() """ def __init__(self, metrics: List[LightningMetric] = [], weights: List[float] = None): """ Args: metrics (List[LightningMetric], optional): list of metrics to combine. Defaults to []. weights (List[float], optional): list of weights / multipliers for weights. Defaults to 1.0 for all metrics. """ if weights is None: weights = [1.0 for _ in metrics] assert len(weights) == len(metrics), "Number of weights has to match number of metrics" self.metrics = metrics self.weights = weights super().__init__() def __repr__(self): name = " + ".join([f"{w:.3g} * {repr(m)}" if w != 1.0 else repr(m) for w, m in zip(self.weights, self.metrics)]) return name
[docs] def update(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_actual: torch.Tensor): """ Update composite metric Args: y_pred: network output y_actual: actual values Returns: torch.Tensor: metric value on which backpropagation can be applied """ for metric in self.metrics: metric.update(y_pred, y_actual)
[docs] def compute(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Get metric Returns: torch.Tensor: metric """ results = [] for weight, metric in zip(self.weights, self.metrics): results.append(metric.compute() * weight) if len(results) == 1: results = results[0] else: results = torch.stack(results, dim=0).sum(0) return results
[docs] def to_prediction(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a point prediction. Will use first metric in ``metrics`` attribute to calculate result. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network **kwargs: parameters to first metric `to_prediction` method Returns: torch.Tensor: point prediction """ return self.metrics[0].to_prediction(y_pred, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_quantiles(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a quantile prediction. Will use first metric in ``metrics`` attribute to calculate result. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network **kwargs: parameters to first metric's ``to_quantiles()`` method Returns: torch.Tensor: prediction quantiles """ return self.metrics[0].to_quantiles(y_pred, **kwargs)
def __add__(self, metric: LightningMetric): if isinstance(metric, self.__class__): self.metrics.extend(metric.metrics) self.weights.extend(metric.weights) else: self.metrics.append(metric) self.weights.append(1.0) return self def __mul__(self, multiplier: float): self.weights = [w * multiplier for w in self.weights] return self __rmul__ = __mul__
[docs]class AggregationMetric(Metric): """ Calculate metric on mean prediction and actuals. """ def __init__(self, metric: Metric, **kwargs): """ Args: metric (Metric): metric which to calculate on aggreation. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.metric = metric
[docs] def update(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_actual: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate composite metric Args: y_pred: network output y_actual: actual values Returns: torch.Tensor: metric value on which backpropagation can be applied """ # extract target and weight if isinstance(y_actual, (tuple, list)) and not isinstance(y_actual, rnn.PackedSequence): target, weight = y_actual else: target = y_actual weight = None # handle rnn sequence as target if isinstance(target, rnn.PackedSequence): target, lengths = rnn.pad_packed_sequence(target, batch_first=True) # batch sizes reside on the CPU by default -> we need to bring them to GPU lengths = # calculate mask for time steps length_mask = create_mask(target.size(1), lengths, inverse=True) # modify weight if weight is None: weight = length_mask else: weight = weight * length_mask if weight is None: y_mean = target.mean(0) y_pred_mean = y_pred.mean(0) else: # calculate weighted sums y_mean = (target * unsqueeze_like(weight, y_pred)).sum(0) / weight.sum(0) y_pred_sum = (y_pred * unsqueeze_like(weight, y_pred)).sum(0) y_pred_mean = y_pred_sum / unsqueeze_like(weight.sum(0), y_pred_sum) # update metric. unsqueeze first batch dimension (as batches are collapsed) self.metric.update(y_pred_mean.unsqueeze(0), y_mean.unsqueeze(0))
[docs] def compute(self): return self.metric.compute()
[docs]class MultiHorizonMetric(Metric): """ Abstract class for defining metric for a multihorizon forecast """ def __init__(self, reduction: str = "mean", **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(reduction=reduction, **kwargs) self.add_state("losses", default=torch.tensor(0.0), dist_reduce_fx="sum" if reduction != "none" else "cat") self.add_state("lengths", default=torch.tensor(0), dist_reduce_fx="sum" if reduction != "none" else "mean")
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate loss without reduction. Override in derived classes Args: y_pred: network output y_actual: actual values Returns: torch.Tensor: loss/metric as a single number for backpropagation """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def update(self, y_pred, target): """ Update method of metric that handles masking of values. Do not override this method but :py:meth:`~loss` instead Args: y_pred (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): network output target (Union[torch.Tensor, rnn.PackedSequence]): actual values Returns: torch.Tensor: loss as a single number for backpropagation """ # unpack weight if isinstance(target, (list, tuple)) and not isinstance(target, rnn.PackedSequence): target, weight = target else: weight = None # unpack target if isinstance(target, rnn.PackedSequence): target, lengths = unpack_sequence(target) else: lengths = torch.full((target.size(0),), fill_value=target.size(1), dtype=torch.long, device=target.device) losses = self.loss(y_pred, target) # weight samples if weight is not None: losses = losses * unsqueeze_like(weight, losses) self._update_losses_and_lengths(losses, lengths)
def _update_losses_and_lengths(self, losses: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor): losses = self.mask_losses(losses, lengths) if self.reduction == "none": if self.losses.ndim == 0: self.losses = losses self.lengths = lengths else: self.losses =[self.losses, losses], dim=0) self.lengths =[self.lengths, lengths], dim=0) else: losses = losses.sum() if not torch.isfinite(losses): losses = torch.tensor(1e9, device=losses.device) warnings.warn("Loss is not finite. Resetting it to 1e9") self.losses = self.losses + losses self.lengths = self.lengths + lengths.sum()
[docs] def compute(self): loss = self.reduce_loss(self.losses, lengths=self.lengths) return loss
[docs] def mask_losses(self, losses: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, reduction: str = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Mask losses. Args: losses (torch.Tensor): total loss. first dimenion are samples, second timesteps lengths (torch.Tensor): total length reduction (str, optional): type of reduction. Defaults to ``self.reduction``. Returns: torch.Tensor: masked losses """ if reduction is None: reduction = self.reduction if losses.ndim > 0: # mask loss mask = torch.arange(losses.size(1), device=losses.device).unsqueeze(0) >= lengths.unsqueeze(-1) if losses.ndim > 2: mask = mask.unsqueeze(-1) dim_normalizer = losses.size(-1) else: dim_normalizer = 1.0 # reduce to one number if reduction == "none": losses = losses.masked_fill(mask, float("nan")) else: losses = losses.masked_fill(mask, 0.0) / dim_normalizer return losses
[docs] def reduce_loss(self, losses: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, reduction: str = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Reduce loss. Args: losses (torch.Tensor): total loss. first dimenion are samples, second timesteps lengths (torch.Tensor): total length reduction (str, optional): type of reduction. Defaults to ``self.reduction``. Returns: torch.Tensor: reduced loss """ if reduction is None: reduction = self.reduction if reduction == "none": return losses # return immediately, no checks elif reduction == "mean": loss = losses.sum() / lengths.sum() elif reduction == "sqrt-mean": loss = losses.sum() / lengths.sum() loss = loss.sqrt() else: raise ValueError(f"reduction {reduction} unknown") assert not torch.isnan(loss), ( "Loss should not be nan - i.e. something went wrong " "in calculating the loss (e.g. log of a negative number)" ) assert torch.isfinite( loss ), "Loss should not be infinite - i.e. something went wrong (e.g. input is not in log space)" return loss
[docs]class PoissonLoss(MultiHorizonMetric): """ Poisson loss for count data """
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return F.poisson_nll_loss( super().to_prediction(y_pred), target, log_input=True, full=False, eps=1e-6, reduction="none" )
[docs] def to_prediction(self, out: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): rate = torch.exp(super().to_prediction(out)) return rate
[docs] def to_quantiles(self, out: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], quantiles=None): if quantiles is None: if self.quantiles is None: quantiles = [0.5] else: quantiles = self.quantiles predictions = super().to_prediction(out) return torch.stack([torch.tensor(scipy.stats.poisson(predictions.cpu()).ppf(q)) for q in quantiles], dim=-1).to( predictions.device )
[docs]class QuantileLoss(MultiHorizonMetric): """ Quantile loss, i.e. a quantile of ``q=0.5`` will give half of the mean absolute error as it is calcualted as Defined as ``max(q * (y-y_pred), (1-q) * (y_pred-y))`` """ def __init__( self, quantiles: List[float] = [0.02, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.98], **kwargs, ): """ Quantile loss Args: quantiles: quantiles for metric """ super().__init__(quantiles=quantiles, **kwargs)
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # calculate quantile loss losses = [] for i, q in enumerate(self.quantiles): errors = target - y_pred[..., i] losses.append(torch.max((q - 1) * errors, q * errors).unsqueeze(-1)) losses =, dim=2) return losses
[docs] def to_prediction(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a point prediction. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network Returns: torch.Tensor: point prediction """ if y_pred.ndim == 3: idx = self.quantiles.index(0.5) y_pred = y_pred[..., idx] return y_pred
[docs] def to_quantiles(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a quantile prediction. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network Returns: torch.Tensor: prediction quantiles """ return y_pred
[docs]class SMAPE(MultiHorizonMetric): """ Symmetric mean absolute percentage. Assumes ``y >= 0``. Defined as ``2*(y - y_pred).abs() / (y.abs() + y_pred.abs())`` """
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred, target): y_pred = self.to_prediction(y_pred) loss = 2 * (y_pred - target).abs() / (y_pred.abs() + target.abs() + 1e-8) return loss
[docs]class MAPE(MultiHorizonMetric): """ Mean absolute percentage. Assumes ``y >= 0``. Defined as ``(y - y_pred).abs() / y.abs()`` """
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred, target): loss = (self.to_prediction(y_pred) - target).abs() / (target.abs() + 1e-8) return loss
[docs]class MAE(MultiHorizonMetric): """ Mean average absolute error. Defined as ``(y_pred - target).abs()`` """
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred, target): loss = (self.to_prediction(y_pred) - target).abs() return loss
[docs]class CrossEntropy(MultiHorizonMetric): """ Cross entropy loss for classification. """
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred, target): loss = F.cross_entropy(y_pred.view(-1, y_pred.size(-1)), target.view(-1), reduction="none").view( -1, target.size(-1) ) return loss
[docs] def to_prediction(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a point prediction. Returns best label Args: y_pred: prediction output of network Returns: torch.Tensor: point prediction """ return y_pred.argmax(dim=-1)
[docs] def to_quantiles(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, quantiles: List[float] = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a quantile prediction. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network quantiles (List[float], optional): quantiles for probability range. Defaults to quantiles as as defined in the class initialization. Returns: torch.Tensor: prediction quantiles """ return y_pred
[docs]class RMSE(MultiHorizonMetric): """ Root mean square error Defined as ``(y_pred - target)**2`` """ def __init__(self, reduction="sqrt-mean", **kwargs): super().__init__(reduction=reduction, **kwargs)
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target): loss = torch.pow(self.to_prediction(y_pred) - target, 2) return loss
[docs]class MASE(MultiHorizonMetric): """ Mean absolute scaled error Defined as ``(y_pred - target).abs() / all_targets[:, :-1] - all_targets[:, 1:]).mean(1)``. ``all_targets`` are here the concatenated encoder and decoder targets """
[docs] def update( self, y_pred, target, encoder_target, encoder_lengths=None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Update metric that handles masking of values. Args: y_pred (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): network output target (Tuple[Union[torch.Tensor, rnn.PackedSequence], torch.Tensor]): tuple of actual values and weights encoder_target (Union[torch.Tensor, rnn.PackedSequence]): historic actual values encoder_lengths (torch.Tensor): optional encoder lengths, not necessary if encoder_target is rnn.PackedSequence. Assumed encoder_target is torch.Tensor Returns: torch.Tensor: loss as a single number for backpropagation """ # unpack weight if isinstance(target, (list, tuple)): weight = target[1] target = target[0] else: weight = None # unpack target if isinstance(target, rnn.PackedSequence): target, lengths = unpack_sequence(target) else: lengths = torch.full((target.size(0),), fill_value=target.size(1), dtype=torch.long, device=target.device) # determine lengths for encoder if encoder_lengths is None: encoder_target, encoder_lengths = unpack_sequence(target) else: assert isinstance(encoder_target, torch.Tensor) assert not target.requires_grad # calculate loss with "none" reduction scaling = self.calculate_scaling(target, lengths, encoder_target, encoder_lengths) losses = self.loss(y_pred, target, scaling) # weight samples if weight is not None: losses = losses * weight.unsqueeze(-1) self._update_losses_and_lengths(losses, lengths)
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred, target, scaling): return (y_pred - target).abs() / scaling.unsqueeze(-1)
def calculate_scaling(self, target, lengths, encoder_target, encoder_lengths): # calcualte mean(abs(diff(targets))) eps = 1e-6 batch_size = target.size(0) total_lengths = lengths + encoder_lengths assert (total_lengths > 1).all(), "Need at least 2 target values to be able to calculate MASE" max_length = target.size(1) + encoder_target.size(1) if (total_lengths != max_length).any(): # if decoder or encoder targets have sequences of different lengths targets = [ encoder_target, torch.zeros(batch_size, target.size(1), device=target.device, dtype=encoder_target.dtype), ], dim=1, ) target_index = torch.arange(target.size(1), device=target.device, dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0).expand( batch_size, -1 ) + encoder_lengths.unsqueeze(-1) targets.scatter_(dim=1, src=target, index=target_index) else: targets =[encoder_target, target], dim=1) # take absolute difference diffs = (targets[:, :-1] - targets[:, 1:]).abs() # set last difference to 0 not_maximum_length = total_lengths != max_length zero_correction_indices = total_lengths[not_maximum_length] - 1 if len(zero_correction_indices) > 0: diffs[ torch.arange(batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=diffs.device)[not_maximum_length], zero_correction_indices, ] = 0.0 # calculate mean over differences scaling = diffs.sum(1) / total_lengths + eps return scaling
[docs]class DistributionLoss(MultiHorizonMetric): """ DistributionLoss base class. Class should be inherited for all distribution losses, i.e. if a network predicts the parameters of a probability distribution, DistributionLoss can be used to score those parameters and calculate loss for given true values. Define two class attributes in a child class: Attributes: distribution_class (distributions.Distribution): torch probability distribution distribution_arguments (List[str]): list of parameter names for the distribution Further, implement the methods :py:meth:`~map_x_to_distribution` and :py:meth:`~rescale_parameters`. """ distribution_class: distributions.Distribution distribution_arguments: List[str] def __init__( self, name: str = None, quantiles: List[float] = [0.02, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.98], reduction="mean" ): """ Initialize metric Args: name (str): metric name. Defaults to class name. quantiles (List[float], optional): quantiles for probability range. Defaults to [0.02, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.98]. reduction (str, optional): Reduction, "none", "mean" or "sqrt-mean". Defaults to "mean". """ super().__init__(name=name, quantiles=quantiles, reduction=reduction)
[docs] def map_x_to_distribution(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> distributions.Distribution: """ Map the a tensor of parameters to a probability distribution. Args: x (torch.Tensor): parameters for probability distribution. Last dimension will index the parameters Returns: distributions.Distribution: torch probability distribution as defined in the class attribute ``distribution_class`` """ raise NotImplementedError("implement this method")
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_actual: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate negative likelihood Args: y_pred: network output y_actual: actual values Returns: torch.Tensor: metric value on which backpropagation can be applied """ distribution = self.map_x_to_distribution(y_pred) loss = -distribution.log_prob(y_actual) return loss
[docs] def to_prediction(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a point prediction. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network Returns: torch.Tensor: mean prediction """ distribution = self.map_x_to_distribution(y_pred) return distribution.mean
[docs] def sample(self, y_pred, n_samples: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Sample from distribution. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network (shape batch_size x n_timesteps x n_paramters) n_samples (int): number of samples to draw Returns: torch.Tensor: tensor with samples (shape batch_size x n_timesteps x n_samples) """ dist = self.map_x_to_distribution(y_pred) samples = dist.sample((n_samples,)) if samples.ndim == 3: samples = samples.permute(1, 2, 0) elif samples.ndim == 2: samples = samples.transpose(0, 1) return samples
[docs] def to_quantiles(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, quantiles: List[float] = None, n_samples: int = 100) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a quantile prediction. Args: y_pred: prediction output of network quantiles (List[float], optional): quantiles for probability range. Defaults to quantiles as as defined in the class initialization. n_samples (int): number of samples to draw for quantiles. Defaults to 100. Returns: torch.Tensor: prediction quantiles (last dimension) """ if quantiles is None: quantiles = self.quantiles try: distribution = self.map_x_to_distribution(y_pred) quantiles = distribution.icdf(torch.tensor(quantiles, device=y_pred.device)[:, None, None]).permute(1, 2, 0) except NotImplementedError: # resort to derive quantiles empirically samples = torch.sort(self.sample(y_pred, n_samples), -1).values quantiles = torch.quantile(samples, torch.tensor(quantiles, device=samples.device), dim=2).permute(1, 2, 0) return quantiles
[docs]class NormalDistributionLoss(DistributionLoss): """ Normal distribution loss. Requirements for original target normalizer: * not normalized in log space (use :py:class:`~LogNormalDistributionLoss`) * not coerced to be positive """ distribution_class = distributions.Normal distribution_arguments = ["loc", "scale"]
[docs] def map_x_to_distribution(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> distributions.Normal: return self.distribution_class(loc=x[..., 0], scale=x[..., 1])
[docs] def rescale_parameters( self, parameters: torch.Tensor, target_scale: torch.Tensor, encoder: BaseEstimator ) -> torch.Tensor: assert encoder.transformation not in ["log", "log1p"], "Use LogNormalDistributionLoss for log scaled data" assert encoder.transformation not in [ "softplus", "relu", ], "Cannot use NormalDistributionLoss for positive data" assert encoder.transformation not in ["logit"], "Cannot use bound transformation such as 'logit'" loc = encoder(dict(prediction=parameters[..., 0], target_scale=target_scale)) scale = F.softplus(parameters[..., 1]) * target_scale[..., 1].unsqueeze(1) return torch.stack([loc, scale], dim=-1)
[docs]class NegativeBinomialDistributionLoss(DistributionLoss): """ Negative binomial loss, e.g. for count data. Requirements for original target normalizer: * not centered normalization (only rescaled) """ distribution_class = distributions.NegativeBinomial distribution_arguments = ["mean", "shape"]
[docs] def map_x_to_distribution(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> distributions.NegativeBinomial: mean = x[..., 0] shape = x[..., 1] r = 1.0 / shape p = mean / (mean + r) return self.distribution_class(total_count=r, probs=p)
[docs] def rescale_parameters( self, parameters: torch.Tensor, target_scale: torch.Tensor, encoder: BaseEstimator ) -> torch.Tensor: assert not, "NegativeBinomialDistributionLoss is not compatible with `center=True` normalization" assert encoder.transformation not in ["logit"], "Cannot use bound transformation such as 'logit'" if encoder.transformation in ["log", "log1p"]: mean = torch.exp(parameters[..., 0] * target_scale[..., 1].unsqueeze(-1)) shape = ( F.softplus(torch.exp(parameters[..., 1])) / torch.exp(target_scale[..., 1].unsqueeze(-1)).sqrt() # todo: is this correct? ) else: mean = F.softplus(parameters[..., 0]) * target_scale[..., 1].unsqueeze(-1) shape = F.softplus(parameters[..., 1]) / target_scale[..., 1].unsqueeze(-1).sqrt() return torch.stack([mean, shape], dim=-1)
[docs] def to_prediction(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert network prediction into a point prediction. In the case of this distribution prediction we need to derive the mean (as a point prediction) from the distribution parameters Args: y_pred: prediction output of network in this case the two parameters for the negative binomial Returns: torch.Tensor: mean prediction """ return y_pred[..., 0]
[docs]class LogNormalDistributionLoss(DistributionLoss): """ Log-normal loss. Requirements for original target normalizer: * normalized target in log space """ distribution_class = distributions.LogNormal distribution_arguments = ["loc", "scale"]
[docs] def map_x_to_distribution(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> distributions.LogNormal: return self.distribution_class(loc=x[..., 0], scale=x[..., 1])
[docs] def rescale_parameters( self, parameters: torch.Tensor, target_scale: torch.Tensor, encoder: BaseEstimator ) -> torch.Tensor: assert isinstance(encoder.transformation, str) and encoder.transformation in [ "log", "log1p", ], f"Log distribution requires log scaling but found `transformation={encoder.transform}`" assert encoder.transformation not in ["logit"], "Cannot use bound transformation such as 'logit'" scale = F.softplus(parameters[..., 1]) * target_scale[..., 1].unsqueeze(-1) loc = parameters[..., 0] * target_scale[..., 1].unsqueeze(-1) + target_scale[..., 0].unsqueeze(-1) return torch.stack([loc, scale], dim=-1)
[docs]class BetaDistributionLoss(DistributionLoss): """ Beta distribution loss for unit interval data. Requirements for original target normalizer: * logit transformation """ distribution_class = distributions.Beta distribution_arguments = ["mean", "shape"] eps = 1e-4
[docs] def map_x_to_distribution(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> distributions.Beta: mean = x[..., 0] shape = x[..., 1] return self.distribution_class(concentration0=(1 - mean) * shape, concentration1=mean * shape)
[docs] def loss(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_actual: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate negative likelihood Args: y_pred: network output y_actual: actual values Returns: torch.Tensor: metric value on which backpropagation can be applied """ distribution = self.map_x_to_distribution(y_pred) # clip y_actual to avoid infinite losses loss = -distribution.log_prob(y_actual.clip(self.eps, 1 - self.eps)) return loss
[docs] def rescale_parameters( self, parameters: torch.Tensor, target_scale: torch.Tensor, encoder: BaseEstimator ) -> torch.Tensor: assert encoder.transformation in ["logit"], "Beta distribution is only compatible with logit transformation" assert, "Beta distribution requires normalizer to center data" scaled_mean = encoder(dict(prediction=parameters[..., 0], target_scale=target_scale)) # need to first transform target scale standard deviation in logit space to real space # we assume a normal distribution in logit space (we used a logit transform and a standard scaler) # and know that the variance of the beta distribution is limited by `scaled_mean * (1 - scaled_mean)` scaled_mean = scaled_mean * (1 - 2 * self.eps) + self.eps # ensure that mean is not exactly 0 or 1 mean_derivative = scaled_mean * (1 - scaled_mean) # we can approximate variance as # torch.pow(torch.tanh(target_scale[..., 1].unsqueeze(1) * torch.sqrt(mean_derivative)), 2) * mean_derivative # shape is (positive) parameter * mean_derivative / var shape_scaler = ( torch.pow(torch.tanh(target_scale[..., 1].unsqueeze(1) * torch.sqrt(mean_derivative)), 2) + self.eps ) scaled_shape = F.softplus(parameters[..., 1]) / shape_scaler return torch.stack([scaled_mean, scaled_shape], dim=-1)